Alive doll
See what amazing, almost living dolls makes the former our compatriot Marina Bychkova, which since the age of nine lives in Canada. There it in 2006 graduated from the Institute of Art and Design Emily Carr (Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design).
But as the real creator, Marina continues to improve and learn new crafts. At this time, for example, jewelry. Master herself sews her doll clothes, do hair and creates accessories. According to her, she was "born into the world to make dolls."
Beauty and the Beast
Her dolls are not be confused with any other. Huge eyes, languishing and such expressive ... fragile figure, graceful arms and legs, parted lips. All the dolls can take absolutely natural pose, no wonder everyone creation masters the subject of a photo shoot. It seems just about this doll comes to life, begins to move and talk. Amazing creation! The complete collection of dolls is available at Marina - www.enchanteddoll.com/index.html
Bride of Frankenstein
By the way, Muscovites and guests of the Russian capital from 6 to 9 October will be a unique chance to see the works Bychkova. Moscow to host exhibition of her works in the framework of the 7th International Doll Salon.
Anna Karenina
Madame Butterfly
Cinderella at the ball
Chinese Empress
"Bloody Lady" - Countess Elizabeth Bathory
The daughter of Captain Nemo
The youngest daughter of the Chinese emperor
Elena Lovely
Silk Road
The Little Mermaid and Prince
Dark-skinned beauty
Olga Larina
Sleeping Beauty. Note the master even portrayed corpse spots ...
And here she came to life after the kiss of Prince
Eve - ancestor
Here's a victory over breast cancer
Swan Princess
The vessel


But as the real creator, Marina continues to improve and learn new crafts. At this time, for example, jewelry. Master herself sews her doll clothes, do hair and creates accessories. According to her, she was "born into the world to make dolls."
Beauty and the Beast

Her dolls are not be confused with any other. Huge eyes, languishing and such expressive ... fragile figure, graceful arms and legs, parted lips. All the dolls can take absolutely natural pose, no wonder everyone creation masters the subject of a photo shoot. It seems just about this doll comes to life, begins to move and talk. Amazing creation! The complete collection of dolls is available at Marina - www.enchanteddoll.com/index.html
Bride of Frankenstein

By the way, Muscovites and guests of the Russian capital from 6 to 9 October will be a unique chance to see the works Bychkova. Moscow to host exhibition of her works in the framework of the 7th International Doll Salon.
Anna Karenina


Madame Butterfly

Cinderella at the ball

Chinese Empress

"Bloody Lady" - Countess Elizabeth Bathory

The daughter of Captain Nemo

The youngest daughter of the Chinese emperor

Elena Lovely


Silk Road


The Little Mermaid and Prince

Dark-skinned beauty

Olga Larina


Sleeping Beauty. Note the master even portrayed corpse spots ...

And here she came to life after the kiss of Prince



Eve - ancestor

Here's a victory over breast cancer

Swan Princess

The vessel
