Zontonosets - not a luxury
In the Roman patricians were special servants who were on hot days over the heads of the home appliances like modern umbrellas, saved the precious crown of the sun. The heads themselves zontonosilschikov roasted in the sun. The times of the slave system are long gone, but the Western-bourgeois celebrities continue to exploit their assistants, managers, and even friends as the holders of umbrellas over their mozgovmestilischami. Of course, the star handle delicate, suddenly corn from the handle of the umbrella will ... look who's celebrity was seen in the company zontonosilschikov.
Chace Crawford steps resolutely and courageously. Still, after falling from the top drops his umbrella protects cheerful colors, receiving hand of an unknown hero ...
See how exactly is holding an umbrella over her head Nicole Kidman this bald man! This pro
Jay-Z pouted because over the head of his wife Beyonce holding an umbrella over him ourselves - no
It seems that Mariah Carey is now zontonosilschik slap on the head with the umbrella guy standing next to her
Not a tall it? Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise may get wet
P. Diddy: Stylish guy - a stylish umbrella
Mark Uolber want a tan, but do not burn, and therefore urged zontonosilschika
Snoop Dogg. Black guy - black umbrella, a different way
Why Jennifer Aniston umbrella? Rain like no (dry land), and the sun, too (there is no shade)
Zontonosets Lily Allen looks militant. Rather, it is her bodyguard
Vicky Beckham thin as a sparrow, so as to carry heavy things, like an umbrella, it is contraindicated
The song «Umbrella» Rihanna invited loved to stand under her umbrella. Surely, he is standing behind
Bredzholina and zontoderzhatel
Rain held
Raindrops kapnet cigarette -
sad (about hockey). Therefore, Winona Ryder and hedge
Um, but with such zontoderzhatelnitsey and pozazhigat possible))) I hope Gerard Butler missed
Another black guy, this time with a red umbrella. Stendhal "Red and Black» by Usher
It seems Jessica Shore umbrella is no longer needed - it gets wet
"Golden Globe" The rain did not spoil. Gemma Fisher
This umbrella, in which case, you can push apart the fans of Mary-Louis Parker
For Diane Kruger umbrella is her husband Joshua Jackson. And then they change)
Too bad will happen if beautiful styling Whitney Port spoil rain. Therefore, it is "strained" Bodyguard
Prince of Pop - a worthy monarch's honor. Prince and his retinue zontonosilschikov
Chace Crawford steps resolutely and courageously. Still, after falling from the top drops his umbrella protects cheerful colors, receiving hand of an unknown hero ...

See how exactly is holding an umbrella over her head Nicole Kidman this bald man! This pro

Jay-Z pouted because over the head of his wife Beyonce holding an umbrella over him ourselves - no

It seems that Mariah Carey is now zontonosilschik slap on the head with the umbrella guy standing next to her

Not a tall it? Katie Holmes and Suri Cruise may get wet

P. Diddy: Stylish guy - a stylish umbrella

Mark Uolber want a tan, but do not burn, and therefore urged zontonosilschika

Snoop Dogg. Black guy - black umbrella, a different way

Why Jennifer Aniston umbrella? Rain like no (dry land), and the sun, too (there is no shade)

Zontonosets Lily Allen looks militant. Rather, it is her bodyguard

Vicky Beckham thin as a sparrow, so as to carry heavy things, like an umbrella, it is contraindicated

The song «Umbrella» Rihanna invited loved to stand under her umbrella. Surely, he is standing behind

Bredzholina and zontoderzhatel

Rain held
Raindrops kapnet cigarette -
sad (about hockey). Therefore, Winona Ryder and hedge

Um, but with such zontoderzhatelnitsey and pozazhigat possible))) I hope Gerard Butler missed

Another black guy, this time with a red umbrella. Stendhal "Red and Black» by Usher

It seems Jessica Shore umbrella is no longer needed - it gets wet

"Golden Globe" The rain did not spoil. Gemma Fisher

This umbrella, in which case, you can push apart the fans of Mary-Louis Parker

For Diane Kruger umbrella is her husband Joshua Jackson. And then they change)

Too bad will happen if beautiful styling Whitney Port spoil rain. Therefore, it is "strained" Bodyguard

Prince of Pop - a worthy monarch's honor. Prince and his retinue zontonosilschikov