Personal photos of Jessica Simpson
Few people believe, and that's really true that Jessica Simpson sang in the church choir. In appearance it simple, silly and cute blonde who just can do is constantly giggling and be the subject of ridicule. And sing in the church choir can only really good girl and daughter of a priest. Jessica is neither the first nor the second group, but the fact remains. Now none of her affair with Nick Lachey, whom she withdrew a joint reality show "Newlyweds" pobivshee all records in the United States, or of its failure in his career, no one remembers, because all the attention paid to her pregnancy. It seems that Jessica is about to give birth, but really only in March-April, 31-year-old actress and singer will wear the proud status of "mother." The father of the child will become an American football player Eric Johnson, with whom Jessica began dating in May 2010 and that he proposed to her after 8 months from the date of dating. While the pair did not legalize their relationship, but they say that after the birth of first child marriage still held. In the meantime, take a look at personal photos future moms who did not follow in the footsteps of his eternal rival Paris Hilton and decided to start a family (and rightly so).