Photos Lea Michele
The main star of the show «Glee» 25-year-old Lea Michele, assured us that he will storm the world of cinema, yet somehow not actively spoiling for a fight. Not so long ago vyshёl film "Old New Year" with her participation, but most of us have never seen it, except for the series "The Choir" of course. I do not know what she was thinking, because the show is not eternal, but new projects, in addition to horror films "The Chronicles of house butcher" with Taylor Lautner in the lead role, it is not expected. Or do not give a role or she does not want to act, actively engaged in charity. However, the project will increase Lautner on any attention to it. In general, surprisingly, the girl seemed colorful, besides singing, playing, as they say, not bad, but for her roles in movies like cat laugh ... By the way, not so long ago she attributed to an affair with Ashton Kutcher, but it was just a PR and Rihanna just recently said that with any Kutcher and it is not found at all happy to be alone. Poor Ashton anyone unlucky)