Photos Alicia Keys
Diligent. This epithet is ideal to characterize Alicia Keys, who by their example shows that to achieve something never have to stand in one place. She worked in excess of, and reached the summit, which he dreamed. Today the name Alisha not so hyped, such as the name of Beyoncé, but in fact it is no worse than Knowles. Just less driving, but she has a talent and he is of God and not from good communication, pretty face, and something else. Alicia focuses on the lyrical compositions, because it is not only a singer, but also a poet and pianist, and therefore extremely delicate and sensitive nature. For his songs she has already received 14 Grammy statuettes, but now owning a family (not so long ago, Alicia gave birth to a son and married), she continues to work. Work and try to do every time your best piece of music. I wish her good luck and I think that her talent will not forget, no matter how unpopular (compared to others) it may be.