Sylvester Stallone
Militants his element and this element is incredibly good! Sylvester Stallone, who a few days ago knocked 66 years, is the lucky, which was well received by men watching action-painting, and then the woman, captivated by the Italian look, and at least view his body. He began with adult films, and later moved on to a more serious genre in which, and made such a grand success for themselves. In his youth, Sligh did not expect such things, but he is now on a par with Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Chuck Norris, Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in the most anticipated male half of humanity film. So in August, on the screens of our vast country will be the film "The Expendables 2", in which Sylvester not only demonstrate his acting talent, in the absence of which it accused (well run expressive and beautiful with guns, too, need to be able to), but also appear in the role of writer, that it not the first time (he stsenariroval all parts of the "Rocky"). "Italian Stallion" knows his business, but his very few people know, so acquainted with
I like a racehorse. What you will feed it, so it will run.
When I was 11, I broke my collarbone, jumping from the roof of our three-storey house in Monkey Hollow Maryland. So you can imagine the contents of my head while I jumped with umbrella, expecting to fly. Nothing happened, I fell into the concrete pit filled with water - my father built a gazebo for barbecues. When I landed, my father went out on the porch and saw me lying in a concrete pit with an umbrella, put on his neck. He told his mother: "This boy will never be president. You gave birth to an idiot. " I replied: "The same was said about Edison, Dad».
When I was sixteen, my mother always thought I was talented, took me to the Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, to find out what I'm predisposed to life. After three days of testing my mother said, 'Your son is well-suited for the position of the driver's sorting machine or assistant electrician, in particular - Elevator electrician ».
My mother thought I was a bully. She belonged to a gym "The Barbell" and she squeezed 70 kilograms. When she thought I was too insolent, it is twisted me - she knew all wrestling techniques - put her on his lap and smacked brush. And it is not slightly: after the spanking I almost had to call the ambulance to get rid of the bristles in the ass.
My mother is very bright life. In addition, in her youth she worked in a circus actress, she - the first woman in my memory, that led the bodybuilding show on television, it was in the 1950s. Moreover, it is an excellent astrologer guesses hand and even invented rampologiyu - prediction ass. We have, of course, a very close relationship, but my ass, I guess she did not authorize, suddenly there are written omens.
I filmed naked. I then had nothing to eat, I was kicked out of the apartment, and I spent four nights at the bus station, trying not to get caught the cops and get some sleep. I put the book into the storage chamber. I was in despair. That's why, after reading in the paper about the possibility to make a hundred dollars a day, I decided that it was a gift of fate. And the fact that we had to undress, I was not particularly worried - there is no pornography, why should I worry? When you're hungry, you're doing a lot of things that normally would not do. Funny, the extent to which morality is stretched for self-preservation. But even funnier when you're standing in front of the camera and try to convince myself that doing serious business. I thought, "Well, maybe this will be a real art." Anyway, I had to rent or to rob someone. I was on the edge of a precipice. And two days of filming, I got 200 bucks and got to the bus station.
I played a stallion, which invites you to a party through a newspaper ad. To him came ten people kissing and hugging - and all. By today's standards, the film would have passed almost parental censorship.
One man had the courage to enter my car. I went out and said, "Do not you think that it is necessary to apologize?" He replied: "Go to the income statement *." I just picked up his son and told the guy that I had in the car could be a child. He again: "Go to the income statement *." I felt obligated, morally and in other ways, it punch. It is in the style of Rocky I swung and gave him the left. The strike cost me $ 15 000.
One day I went to the "Porsche" in the Arizona desert and driven almost 200 kilometers per hour. Of course, I was stopped by a cop. I say, "Did you see them ?! Have you seen them? You stopped them? They're still out there? "He said," What? "I continued," There's eight guys with guns! * an early hour of the Lord! I barely took the legs. Do me a favor - arrest me, they want to kill me. I do not know who they are. They probably did not like Rambo, some radical group. They threatened me, wrote letters, and now to get me! "Well, he took me to the border of the state. "I'll see you, Rambo. I'll help you, Rocky. " And I said, "Thank you, sir».
Remember when Reagan bombed Gaddafi? He said: "I looked Rambo and know what to do." Then Saddam remembered Rambo in the bunker. I have become synonymous with the type of thinking. Symbol. It has always bothered me to travel. There was a lot of threats. When I came to Cannes, I was threatened with death. And in the Third World is not idolize me.
Every morning, I crawled out of bed and ask myself, "Do I really need this?" And trudge to the gym in the garage. It is sadly, and I hate it. I have been alone, I raise the bar. I have 25 different sets of complex, I'm alone, I want to sleep, the whole body hurts, and you look at them, and each 160 kilograms, and the most severe that you raised in the last eight hours - a pillow.
All my life I've been training, but no matter how you were smart, you need a coach. You have to go to the gym to get you evaluated and guided you. You can not train yourself. I also belong to the church. Church - a gym for the soul.
When I saw the completely rolled up version of "Rocky," I told the producers that he will gather 100 million. The producers said: "If he brings that kind of money, we'll buy you any car on the ground." I got my Mercedes 450 SEL.
I keep repeating: I am more than Rocky. But the truth is that it is not. I would like to have at least half of it. I was stupid. Rocky - one of the most honest of my creations.
All make mistakes. I look around at my peers, and I see in their eyes the bitter thought: "I have not lived the life you wanted, and now I have so much to say, but nobody wants to listen to me." I also felt so, and if that can not be overcome, it can kill you inside.
I do not think that person should be tormented, locked in a closet or deny love. But I do know that if it all in abundance, it does not work out either conscious sight, no hunger, no feelings of insecurity, without which it is impossible to write. Most writers and artists are not happy with their creativity. Imagine that you grew up in a home where you are surrounded by love and care, and you are told that you are the best. Where did you undertake the motivation to do anything?
Happy wife - happy life. It took me 30 years to before doperet. When you are going to bet, make sure there is a reason is more serious than the TV remote. Now I know how to get fantastic, a great wife. Now I can write, can not think and feel that I have something to prove.
The world is very young, and when you reach a certain age, everybody thinks you obsolete. I said to myself: "With me this will not happen." Many share my feelings, but few of their voices.
Other actors have to wait for a good script, and I can write your own. When I think it's time to star in an action movie, I'm writing a script militants. If I want to make a love story, I'll write it. While my brain was not damaged, and Providence will not solve me turn away, I hardly ispishus.
I congenital critic - himself and all the world, and I all have an opinion. I must have it. Anyone who does not have his opinion, is to go to Tibet and chanting the mantra there.
If you look back at my life, I bet 80% of your actions you will regret. But life - this is an error.
I became interested in bodybuilding in childhood - because of the movie. Once I saw Steve Reeves in "liberated Hercules" and thought, "This weird guy with a beard and baggy calves can destroy the temple alone and soak the whole Roman army. I, too, so I want to. " I started thinking about how I would like to look like. Not everyone likes to be too pumped up, because then you do not really look like a man. You look like Hercules, which is not bad as long as you do not offer the role of the accountant.
I must do what I expect from the audience. Let's face it: there is a connection between me, Rocky and Rambo. Over the years, it has become difficult to distinguish between real and fictional people. When I was straining their artistic abilities and show another side of himself - I reject. Okay, it suits me. I - a stereotype, and nothing I can do about it.
Acting feeds only egocentric part of me. I like to see myself on the screen. Not always, but not to the point to go to a psychiatrist. Directing - a very diverse activity. Like how to coach a sports team. And writing for me - it's almost pure erotica. When comes to mind is a good idea or a phrase, I can jump up from the table and make the wheel or banging his head on the glass of ecstasy. One writer creates a job for three hundred and entertainment - three million. So who is the main person in the film?
When you become rich and famous, you are cut off from reality. Between you and real life there are people who care about you, solve your problems, making sure you were happy and safe. And when there is misery, you know that no matter what fame does not protect.
Cinema - this is my reality. When I go to the studio, I enter the alien world in which I was not very comfortable. When I was a kid in school Montgomery Hills teachers voted for me as the most likely candidate for the electric chair - and they do not mean the movie. Frankly, I do not live well in a society that is not working on a film, I fought every two to three weeks.
My daughter did not suspect what I do. They completed a questionnaire at school and wrote that I play golf and I work in the garden.
My five year old daughter went to school, and a boy took her chair. She told him: "Once you do so - I will cut off your head." I think it's time to see to it that children watch. Daughters grow small rembyatami. Previously, they were crying, and now say with a yawn: "A corpse ... again." Rather, they need to give in a rehabilitation program.
I like a racehorse. What you will feed it, so it will run.

When I was 11, I broke my collarbone, jumping from the roof of our three-storey house in Monkey Hollow Maryland. So you can imagine the contents of my head while I jumped with umbrella, expecting to fly. Nothing happened, I fell into the concrete pit filled with water - my father built a gazebo for barbecues. When I landed, my father went out on the porch and saw me lying in a concrete pit with an umbrella, put on his neck. He told his mother: "This boy will never be president. You gave birth to an idiot. " I replied: "The same was said about Edison, Dad».
When I was sixteen, my mother always thought I was talented, took me to the Drexel Institute in Philadelphia, to find out what I'm predisposed to life. After three days of testing my mother said, 'Your son is well-suited for the position of the driver's sorting machine or assistant electrician, in particular - Elevator electrician ».
My mother thought I was a bully. She belonged to a gym "The Barbell" and she squeezed 70 kilograms. When she thought I was too insolent, it is twisted me - she knew all wrestling techniques - put her on his lap and smacked brush. And it is not slightly: after the spanking I almost had to call the ambulance to get rid of the bristles in the ass.

My mother is very bright life. In addition, in her youth she worked in a circus actress, she - the first woman in my memory, that led the bodybuilding show on television, it was in the 1950s. Moreover, it is an excellent astrologer guesses hand and even invented rampologiyu - prediction ass. We have, of course, a very close relationship, but my ass, I guess she did not authorize, suddenly there are written omens.
I filmed naked. I then had nothing to eat, I was kicked out of the apartment, and I spent four nights at the bus station, trying not to get caught the cops and get some sleep. I put the book into the storage chamber. I was in despair. That's why, after reading in the paper about the possibility to make a hundred dollars a day, I decided that it was a gift of fate. And the fact that we had to undress, I was not particularly worried - there is no pornography, why should I worry? When you're hungry, you're doing a lot of things that normally would not do. Funny, the extent to which morality is stretched for self-preservation. But even funnier when you're standing in front of the camera and try to convince myself that doing serious business. I thought, "Well, maybe this will be a real art." Anyway, I had to rent or to rob someone. I was on the edge of a precipice. And two days of filming, I got 200 bucks and got to the bus station.

I played a stallion, which invites you to a party through a newspaper ad. To him came ten people kissing and hugging - and all. By today's standards, the film would have passed almost parental censorship.
One man had the courage to enter my car. I went out and said, "Do not you think that it is necessary to apologize?" He replied: "Go to the income statement *." I just picked up his son and told the guy that I had in the car could be a child. He again: "Go to the income statement *." I felt obligated, morally and in other ways, it punch. It is in the style of Rocky I swung and gave him the left. The strike cost me $ 15 000.

One day I went to the "Porsche" in the Arizona desert and driven almost 200 kilometers per hour. Of course, I was stopped by a cop. I say, "Did you see them ?! Have you seen them? You stopped them? They're still out there? "He said," What? "I continued," There's eight guys with guns! * an early hour of the Lord! I barely took the legs. Do me a favor - arrest me, they want to kill me. I do not know who they are. They probably did not like Rambo, some radical group. They threatened me, wrote letters, and now to get me! "Well, he took me to the border of the state. "I'll see you, Rambo. I'll help you, Rocky. " And I said, "Thank you, sir».
Remember when Reagan bombed Gaddafi? He said: "I looked Rambo and know what to do." Then Saddam remembered Rambo in the bunker. I have become synonymous with the type of thinking. Symbol. It has always bothered me to travel. There was a lot of threats. When I came to Cannes, I was threatened with death. And in the Third World is not idolize me.

Every morning, I crawled out of bed and ask myself, "Do I really need this?" And trudge to the gym in the garage. It is sadly, and I hate it. I have been alone, I raise the bar. I have 25 different sets of complex, I'm alone, I want to sleep, the whole body hurts, and you look at them, and each 160 kilograms, and the most severe that you raised in the last eight hours - a pillow.
All my life I've been training, but no matter how you were smart, you need a coach. You have to go to the gym to get you evaluated and guided you. You can not train yourself. I also belong to the church. Church - a gym for the soul.

When I saw the completely rolled up version of "Rocky," I told the producers that he will gather 100 million. The producers said: "If he brings that kind of money, we'll buy you any car on the ground." I got my Mercedes 450 SEL.
I keep repeating: I am more than Rocky. But the truth is that it is not. I would like to have at least half of it. I was stupid. Rocky - one of the most honest of my creations.

All make mistakes. I look around at my peers, and I see in their eyes the bitter thought: "I have not lived the life you wanted, and now I have so much to say, but nobody wants to listen to me." I also felt so, and if that can not be overcome, it can kill you inside.
I do not think that person should be tormented, locked in a closet or deny love. But I do know that if it all in abundance, it does not work out either conscious sight, no hunger, no feelings of insecurity, without which it is impossible to write. Most writers and artists are not happy with their creativity. Imagine that you grew up in a home where you are surrounded by love and care, and you are told that you are the best. Where did you undertake the motivation to do anything?

Happy wife - happy life. It took me 30 years to before doperet. When you are going to bet, make sure there is a reason is more serious than the TV remote. Now I know how to get fantastic, a great wife. Now I can write, can not think and feel that I have something to prove.
The world is very young, and when you reach a certain age, everybody thinks you obsolete. I said to myself: "With me this will not happen." Many share my feelings, but few of their voices.
Other actors have to wait for a good script, and I can write your own. When I think it's time to star in an action movie, I'm writing a script militants. If I want to make a love story, I'll write it. While my brain was not damaged, and Providence will not solve me turn away, I hardly ispishus.

I congenital critic - himself and all the world, and I all have an opinion. I must have it. Anyone who does not have his opinion, is to go to Tibet and chanting the mantra there.
If you look back at my life, I bet 80% of your actions you will regret. But life - this is an error.

I became interested in bodybuilding in childhood - because of the movie. Once I saw Steve Reeves in "liberated Hercules" and thought, "This weird guy with a beard and baggy calves can destroy the temple alone and soak the whole Roman army. I, too, so I want to. " I started thinking about how I would like to look like. Not everyone likes to be too pumped up, because then you do not really look like a man. You look like Hercules, which is not bad as long as you do not offer the role of the accountant.
I must do what I expect from the audience. Let's face it: there is a connection between me, Rocky and Rambo. Over the years, it has become difficult to distinguish between real and fictional people. When I was straining their artistic abilities and show another side of himself - I reject. Okay, it suits me. I - a stereotype, and nothing I can do about it.

Acting feeds only egocentric part of me. I like to see myself on the screen. Not always, but not to the point to go to a psychiatrist. Directing - a very diverse activity. Like how to coach a sports team. And writing for me - it's almost pure erotica. When comes to mind is a good idea or a phrase, I can jump up from the table and make the wheel or banging his head on the glass of ecstasy. One writer creates a job for three hundred and entertainment - three million. So who is the main person in the film?
When you become rich and famous, you are cut off from reality. Between you and real life there are people who care about you, solve your problems, making sure you were happy and safe. And when there is misery, you know that no matter what fame does not protect.

Cinema - this is my reality. When I go to the studio, I enter the alien world in which I was not very comfortable. When I was a kid in school Montgomery Hills teachers voted for me as the most likely candidate for the electric chair - and they do not mean the movie. Frankly, I do not live well in a society that is not working on a film, I fought every two to three weeks.
My daughter did not suspect what I do. They completed a questionnaire at school and wrote that I play golf and I work in the garden.
My five year old daughter went to school, and a boy took her chair. She told him: "Once you do so - I will cut off your head." I think it's time to see to it that children watch. Daughters grow small rembyatami. Previously, they were crying, and now say with a yawn: "A corpse ... again." Rather, they need to give in a rehabilitation program.