13 facts about Stallone

1. role of Beverly Hills in the eponymous film in 1984 was supposed to play Sylvester Stallone, but he refused, so we have seen in the film Eddie Murphy.
2. Sylvester Stallone wrote the screenplay of the film "Rocky", sitting in a room with no windows and constantly smoking cigarettes bad "Tremps».
3. Before becoming famous, Sylvester Stallone cleaned in cages of lions in the zoo.
4. Sylvester Stallone expelled from school more than 10 times.
5. Sylvester Stallone began his first training session in the city dump, where rises that could find: a brake drum, half bumper, steering column, cinder block, and so on. d.
6. In his youth, Sylvester Stallone was an inveterate bully, such was his reaction to the constant ridicule classmates mocked his appearance and speech defects.

7. The youngest son of Sylvester Stallone, Serdzheo (1979) from his first marriage, was diagnosed with autism.
8. Sylvester Stallone was convicted of smuggling prohibited medicines to the territory of Australia. 48 products with growth hormone muscle cost the actor a fine of 18 thousand. Dollars.
9. Sylvester Stallone - left-handed.
10. The famous crooked smile Sylvester Stallone - a consequence of birth trauma. Another consequence of birth trauma was a serious speech impediment, which he got rid very long.
11. Sylvester Stallone comes from an immigrant family (father - an Italian, his mother - a Jew from Odessa roots).
12. Sylvester Stallone is the champion among men in the nominations for the "Golden Raspberry". Stallone was honored four times and nine times nominated in the category "worst actor».
13. Sylvester Stallone worked as a bouncer before becoming an actor. And he was a janitor animal cells and a professional card player. They say that's when it occurred to him that fights can make money: it is very often the case that the game ended in fist proceedings.
Source: www.factopedia.ru
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