Moscow. Rybinka underground river (42 photos)
From the words of the author: Today I went almost the entire system Rybinka accessible from its main reservoir. I see no reason to write a report about the campaign, of which at Rybinka can find dozens, so I decided to write a brief review. There will be collected photos from various incursions into the river.
The river begins in the form of drenazhek railroad - or rather, Yaroslavl direction. Next, it passes a large two-meter ditch and goes into the arched portion height of about 1, 6 m, passing under the tracks.
There is an unpleasant feature - plums, which without a jacket from chemical protection can not be overcome. Or vymoknut from head to toe. Arch continues meters 300.
And after a short rectangular area we go to 1600 mm concrete pipe, sometimes very badly littered.
One of the features of this river - someone in the course of the campaign happens to fail. In one of the campaigns commander lost pultik and pushed his way Chiemsee, today I lost a bottle of water (though the loss is small) and it seems that Zabrody pushed his way, and his partner fell into the water camera, good inexpensive. Then, the river flows under the Sokolniki Val near the Sokolniki Park, so there is a lot of roots. The pipe extends to a very passable 2, 3 meters. Heaps of land and forests from the roots!
On the wall you can see the inscription - is the builders in their time left. In roots can sink to their knees!
Pipe becomes purer and purer, and soon you can calmly go, do not forget about the only slippery floor ...
Places such as tie-ins are typed pieces 7 ... Under some very uncomfortable place ... Now we are somewhere in the region of the third Rybinsk streets.
By the way there are 3 non-performing snegosbrosa. Pictures of them did not ... Then the river goes under the industrial area related to the railway station Moscow-II Mitkovo. Here begins the strong odor rot of organic and mineral oil. Actually, the inflow of sewage ...
Round tube over, and we are moving into a rectangle.
First istorichka! Drenaga with brick rubble at the end.
Istorichki, by the way there are many, but it is difficult to obtain. There are several brick drenazhek and tributaries, as well as the lower reaches of the river. It is unclear that the old riverbed. What is available from the main system, brings a strong suspicion ... Rectangle continues. in spite of the fog and the smell, go here quite nicely.
Another egg, but concrete. On it you can walk 150 meters, at the end of a formidable Box. In this river a lot of concrete eggs, such amount is not seen anywhere else.
Camera. From under the industrial area we probably already out and go somewhere in the vicinity of the intersection with the street Rusakovskaya.
View of the main collector Rybinka. The river goes to the right in a circular pipe.
In the first photo of this camera is visible dry collector. He decently littered with detritus, and in the end - the brick arch. For several years Number of sludge decreased significantly, and I managed without any disgust crawl under the arch of the buried almost historical collector. Behind him the camera in the direction of Yauza worth oval backing, but in the opposite takes concrete egg, partially asleep, partially overgrown roots. Go not very much, but maybe it's way into the old bed ... see the following flow is not here. By the way, the egg lasts for quite a long time, parallel to the main sewer. Perhaps this is the remnants of the old riverbed. About the egg I have mention further. In the chamber, by the way, had a lot of crickets (as in all dry places like this river). Feature, so it is ... But this year, crickets and almost was not.
Panoramic views.
Then for a long time continues very boring two-meter pipe in which there is nothing interesting, except for the large right tributary. Concrete egg is almost a full-length.
By the end of all the traditional clogs, but this time we were still persistent and climbed through. Then we met a meter pipe with brick floor and beautiful cameras.
One hundred meters to overpower, but around the corner there was nothing promising.
We pass the remaining half pipe dull and leave in a rectangle.
Here on the left side runs a very interesting thing. If you climb the narrow cast-iron pipes, it is possible to get to a beautiful ten-section collector with a brick vault! It looks like I have never seen! Height - about 2 to 3 meters (excluding sediment)!
On bricks stigma "Chelnokov».
However, the whole length of the collector (the distance you can see the pipe). Enough is enough.
Perhaps it is the old channel, but some facts contradict this ... After the brick section goes on concrete egg, after which the cut-and blockage. Back in the box. Now we have passed under the street Zhebrunova and go somewhere in the street Gastello.
Sure, business card Rybinka - waste container and a waterfall behind which begins the historic site. This depth camera taller than a man, to overcome its top, you can use the boat. Year 2007 camera has been cleaned and the water flowed through a narrow tube into the concrete wall. Test-downs of concrete collector without a boat, the depth was somewhere in the chest. In the rain the river carries a lot of debris that accumulates in the cell and it gradually fills. But the risk is thus not worth it, especially that under water - not visible, besides there are so many nasty sludge ...
To scale.
Type closer.
Fast forward over a waterfall.
Right here falls into concrete tributary, the end of which a large brick egg.
So, again, concrete egg. Aside Jauza worth backing. Egg was finally completed all. It ends with the rubble of land for which it is impossible to climb ...
Already seen brick egg. Incidentally, the left side of the backing again. Strangely it all.
On bricks ubiquitous label "Gerasimov».
Egg is 300 meters and ends rachnikami ...
Underwear for Rybinka. Huge brick collector diameter 3500 mm. The same collector has in fresh and Checher and nowhere else in the explored systems met Dee and unlikely to meet.
Water is becoming more and more, the level of sediment at the bottom increases. Prior to the portal without a boat here not walk ... About portal brick collector goes into a concrete chamber with a side that runs along the wall.
Behind the portal is visible Jauza and lights burning on the waterfront.
Here's a river there in Moscow. But for an amateur ... Length header - almost 4, 5 km. One of the most polluted rivers in Moscow - a lot of sediment, odor, water gray. With a beggar can not be compared of course, but still. In my opinion, in a general sense - one of the most boring of the rivers, especially the middle reaches. In the lower reaches of many things varied and interesting, but they are very difficult to access. Just very little vylaznyh hatches - 90% do not open or are on the carriageway and on the territory of enterprises, so we have to travel long distances, walking along this river.
Source: alonestalker.livejournal.com

The river begins in the form of drenazhek railroad - or rather, Yaroslavl direction. Next, it passes a large two-meter ditch and goes into the arched portion height of about 1, 6 m, passing under the tracks.

There is an unpleasant feature - plums, which without a jacket from chemical protection can not be overcome. Or vymoknut from head to toe. Arch continues meters 300.

And after a short rectangular area we go to 1600 mm concrete pipe, sometimes very badly littered.

One of the features of this river - someone in the course of the campaign happens to fail. In one of the campaigns commander lost pultik and pushed his way Chiemsee, today I lost a bottle of water (though the loss is small) and it seems that Zabrody pushed his way, and his partner fell into the water camera, good inexpensive. Then, the river flows under the Sokolniki Val near the Sokolniki Park, so there is a lot of roots. The pipe extends to a very passable 2, 3 meters. Heaps of land and forests from the roots!

On the wall you can see the inscription - is the builders in their time left. In roots can sink to their knees!

Pipe becomes purer and purer, and soon you can calmly go, do not forget about the only slippery floor ...

Places such as tie-ins are typed pieces 7 ... Under some very uncomfortable place ... Now we are somewhere in the region of the third Rybinsk streets.

By the way there are 3 non-performing snegosbrosa. Pictures of them did not ... Then the river goes under the industrial area related to the railway station Moscow-II Mitkovo. Here begins the strong odor rot of organic and mineral oil. Actually, the inflow of sewage ...

Round tube over, and we are moving into a rectangle.

First istorichka! Drenaga with brick rubble at the end.

Istorichki, by the way there are many, but it is difficult to obtain. There are several brick drenazhek and tributaries, as well as the lower reaches of the river. It is unclear that the old riverbed. What is available from the main system, brings a strong suspicion ... Rectangle continues. in spite of the fog and the smell, go here quite nicely.

Another egg, but concrete. On it you can walk 150 meters, at the end of a formidable Box. In this river a lot of concrete eggs, such amount is not seen anywhere else.

Camera. From under the industrial area we probably already out and go somewhere in the vicinity of the intersection with the street Rusakovskaya.

View of the main collector Rybinka. The river goes to the right in a circular pipe.

In the first photo of this camera is visible dry collector. He decently littered with detritus, and in the end - the brick arch. For several years Number of sludge decreased significantly, and I managed without any disgust crawl under the arch of the buried almost historical collector. Behind him the camera in the direction of Yauza worth oval backing, but in the opposite takes concrete egg, partially asleep, partially overgrown roots. Go not very much, but maybe it's way into the old bed ... see the following flow is not here. By the way, the egg lasts for quite a long time, parallel to the main sewer. Perhaps this is the remnants of the old riverbed. About the egg I have mention further. In the chamber, by the way, had a lot of crickets (as in all dry places like this river). Feature, so it is ... But this year, crickets and almost was not.

Panoramic views.

Then for a long time continues very boring two-meter pipe in which there is nothing interesting, except for the large right tributary. Concrete egg is almost a full-length.

By the end of all the traditional clogs, but this time we were still persistent and climbed through. Then we met a meter pipe with brick floor and beautiful cameras.

One hundred meters to overpower, but around the corner there was nothing promising.

We pass the remaining half pipe dull and leave in a rectangle.

Here on the left side runs a very interesting thing. If you climb the narrow cast-iron pipes, it is possible to get to a beautiful ten-section collector with a brick vault! It looks like I have never seen! Height - about 2 to 3 meters (excluding sediment)!

On bricks stigma "Chelnokov».

However, the whole length of the collector (the distance you can see the pipe). Enough is enough.

Perhaps it is the old channel, but some facts contradict this ... After the brick section goes on concrete egg, after which the cut-and blockage. Back in the box. Now we have passed under the street Zhebrunova and go somewhere in the street Gastello.

Sure, business card Rybinka - waste container and a waterfall behind which begins the historic site. This depth camera taller than a man, to overcome its top, you can use the boat. Year 2007 camera has been cleaned and the water flowed through a narrow tube into the concrete wall. Test-downs of concrete collector without a boat, the depth was somewhere in the chest. In the rain the river carries a lot of debris that accumulates in the cell and it gradually fills. But the risk is thus not worth it, especially that under water - not visible, besides there are so many nasty sludge ...

To scale.

Type closer.

Fast forward over a waterfall.

Right here falls into concrete tributary, the end of which a large brick egg.

So, again, concrete egg. Aside Jauza worth backing. Egg was finally completed all. It ends with the rubble of land for which it is impossible to climb ...

Already seen brick egg. Incidentally, the left side of the backing again. Strangely it all.

On bricks ubiquitous label "Gerasimov».

Egg is 300 meters and ends rachnikami ...

Underwear for Rybinka. Huge brick collector diameter 3500 mm. The same collector has in fresh and Checher and nowhere else in the explored systems met Dee and unlikely to meet.

Water is becoming more and more, the level of sediment at the bottom increases. Prior to the portal without a boat here not walk ... About portal brick collector goes into a concrete chamber with a side that runs along the wall.


Behind the portal is visible Jauza and lights burning on the waterfront.

Here's a river there in Moscow. But for an amateur ... Length header - almost 4, 5 km. One of the most polluted rivers in Moscow - a lot of sediment, odor, water gray. With a beggar can not be compared of course, but still. In my opinion, in a general sense - one of the most boring of the rivers, especially the middle reaches. In the lower reaches of many things varied and interesting, but they are very difficult to access. Just very little vylaznyh hatches - 90% do not open or are on the carriageway and on the territory of enterprises, so we have to travel long distances, walking along this river.
Source: alonestalker.livejournal.com