Each picture series titled «In Pieces» is an element made of Lego designer.
Lego-American sculptor Nathan Sawaya (Nathan Sawaya) and photographer Dean West (Dean West) from New York, have joined forces in a joint creative multimedia project. Each picture series titled «In Pieces» is an element made of Lego designer.
Looking at the photographs are not always immediately possible to find a substitute, and sometimes not at all possible. Quite ordinary, unremarkable objects. In order to help the audience, the sponsors duplicate "lifeless" element in the photo below. This optical illusion is designed to demonstrate the well-known truth about how much can be deceptive first impression. In the basic idea of Savaii and West also put the importance of the smallest details, which we often do not pay enough attention.
The idea to combine reality with fiction is not new. In this regard, many of the artists work. For example, a Polish artist March Klonowski uses animal figurines of colored broken glass for the continuation of the legendary historical paintings. This can be found here. Well, if you want to learn more about the sculptures from Lego, go here.
Looking at the photographs are not always immediately possible to find a substitute, and sometimes not at all possible. Quite ordinary, unremarkable objects. In order to help the audience, the sponsors duplicate "lifeless" element in the photo below. This optical illusion is designed to demonstrate the well-known truth about how much can be deceptive first impression. In the basic idea of Savaii and West also put the importance of the smallest details, which we often do not pay enough attention.
The idea to combine reality with fiction is not new. In this regard, many of the artists work. For example, a Polish artist March Klonowski uses animal figurines of colored broken glass for the continuation of the legendary historical paintings. This can be found here. Well, if you want to learn more about the sculptures from Lego, go here.