Miroslava Duma photo
Patrick Demarchelier and 7 Russian girls like Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs :)
The world with her husband and son:
Hello to my little Gosha!
Happy birthday to me! :)
Miroslav hurry to show Mary Katrantzu:
I love Chanel!
# Chanel
# # Parizhskayanedelyamody nikakihfiltrov
With Mr. Valentino last night.
Duma on the show Valentino:
Big Love Rushki Bergman enough for all!
Alexander Terekhov presented his capsule collection for «Disney» tonight!
Leica. Best.
Again something "rub" favorite Firochka for. I feel not so bad.
Mr. Jason Wu, this lovely lady on the right (it, by the way, call Michelle Williams) love your dress!
Matryoshka «Louis Vuitton».
With Vice President «Mercury» Alla Weber.
Miroslava Duma Twitter: twitter.com/miraduma