Image change
One and a half weeks ago Beyonce shocked his fans a radical change of image. Earlier Bee was putting his thoroughbred Latin curls different images - pulled, lifted, even braided afrokosichki, but few could have predicted that it will be decided to trim them. Some particularly impressionable fans of the pop diva still can not move away from such a change. Beyonce has joined the list of celebrities, once dared to radical haircut. Someone is obliged to do the role, someone - minute rush, well, someone just ripe for change image
In 2011 Drew Barrymore shortened her brown hair from nature to the maximum and dyed them blond, and even then made trendy color Ombre. From Ombre she quickly got rid of, but its length suits to this day
In the same year a detachment dlinnovlasok left and Michelle Williams. Almost all of her admirers agreed that a haircut with a short neck and rejuvenated Michelle gave her appearance a highlight
The days when Britney Spears walked with her head shaved, and the singer and her fans, trying not to remember - those months were very difficult for the singer. In 2007, the Brit is mired in personal and career problems, and the elimination of the hair was just a cry from the heart
For the filming of the movie "GI Jane," Demi Moore had to cut hair under the "hedgehog". When they had grown to a length that allows you to do a perm, Demi shone golden, highly stacked curls. Still, she missed in length, so as soon as Moore was able to grow so as to radical haircut, she did not dare to raise more than her arm
Natalie Portman did not hesitate to agree to a radical haircut for starring in the movie «V means" vendetta ". The scene where the heroine of her head shaved, is one of the "breakdown" in the film, and earned a lot of applause from the audience and critics
At the same action had to be solved and Anne Hathaway for filming the movie "Les Miserables." The game is worth the candle - for her role as Fantine Hathaway won the "Oscar" for supporting actress
The movie "Mad Max. "Road rage" for which Charlize Theron cut their hair under the "hedgehog" we have not seen yet, but we hope that the way to get the most colorful
But the fashion for pixie haircut Mia Farrow launched after the release of the film "Rosemary's Baby." Only with such a haircut seen the main character of his film Roman Polanski, and Mia had to agree to part with long hair. A lot of it is not lost, even purchased - effectively, enthusiasm, youthful appearance
Hollywood icon Audrey Hepburn, and shone with long and short hair. However, most of her fans agree that pixie haircut, she looked a goddess
This list would not be complete without Miley Cyrus. Ultrashort hairstyle and bleached hair is made from good girl rock rip. Many people have noticed that the music of Miley after the change of the image become much "tougher»

In 2011 Drew Barrymore shortened her brown hair from nature to the maximum and dyed them blond, and even then made trendy color Ombre. From Ombre she quickly got rid of, but its length suits to this day

In the same year a detachment dlinnovlasok left and Michelle Williams. Almost all of her admirers agreed that a haircut with a short neck and rejuvenated Michelle gave her appearance a highlight

The days when Britney Spears walked with her head shaved, and the singer and her fans, trying not to remember - those months were very difficult for the singer. In 2007, the Brit is mired in personal and career problems, and the elimination of the hair was just a cry from the heart

For the filming of the movie "GI Jane," Demi Moore had to cut hair under the "hedgehog". When they had grown to a length that allows you to do a perm, Demi shone golden, highly stacked curls. Still, she missed in length, so as soon as Moore was able to grow so as to radical haircut, she did not dare to raise more than her arm

Natalie Portman did not hesitate to agree to a radical haircut for starring in the movie «V means" vendetta ". The scene where the heroine of her head shaved, is one of the "breakdown" in the film, and earned a lot of applause from the audience and critics

At the same action had to be solved and Anne Hathaway for filming the movie "Les Miserables." The game is worth the candle - for her role as Fantine Hathaway won the "Oscar" for supporting actress

The movie "Mad Max. "Road rage" for which Charlize Theron cut their hair under the "hedgehog" we have not seen yet, but we hope that the way to get the most colorful

But the fashion for pixie haircut Mia Farrow launched after the release of the film "Rosemary's Baby." Only with such a haircut seen the main character of his film Roman Polanski, and Mia had to agree to part with long hair. A lot of it is not lost, even purchased - effectively, enthusiasm, youthful appearance

Hollywood icon Audrey Hepburn, and shone with long and short hair. However, most of her fans agree that pixie haircut, she looked a goddess

This list would not be complete without Miley Cyrus. Ultrashort hairstyle and bleached hair is made from good girl rock rip. Many people have noticed that the music of Miley after the change of the image become much "tougher»