The two-year smoker

smoked a joint at the wheel of his truck, he looks like an old trucker. However, Ardi Rizal only two years, but now he can not live a day without smoking a cigarette with 40. To bad habits taught the boy's father. Because nicotine addiction child began to have problems with weight, but appeared short of breath does not allow him to run and frolic with other children. The boy spent whole days sitting on the porch and smokes one after odnoy.

His mother Diana in frustration does not know what to do: "It is totally dependent on cigarettes. If he was not allowed to smoke, it begins to rage and beat his head against the wall. " According to parents, Ardi smokes only a certain brand of cigarettes produced in Indonezii.

On the problem of the family joined Rizal power. They promised to give the boy a real car if he could quit the habit. However, Hardy does not even think about it. Local residents do not seem too worried about what happens to the child. According to one of the neighbors, in his opinion, the boy looks very healthy and happy.

Source: radulova.livejournal.com