Shoes 63rd size

resident of NSW 19-year-old Carl Griffiths (Carl Griffiths) since childhood differ from their peers large size feet, in 12 years, Carl has worn sneakers 43rd size. Briton now 19 and with the growth of 197 centimeters size of his feet is 21 feet, which corresponds to 63 shoe size. Carl Griffiths has called a man with the biggest feet in Velikobritanii.

Naturally, the young man is very difficult to choose for themselves the necessary size shoes especially sports - Karl plays rugby and during matches his sneakers often come into disrepair. Shoes and socks for myself young British orders in the US in a special workshop, and it is not cheap. For every pair of shoes Carl to pay about 100 pounds (155 dollars).

Friends sometimes joke about the huge shoes of Charles, but he is not offended and tells them that in addition to the big feet he has a "something" big, for which he was very fond of the girl.
Source: halfme.org.ua/post195309260/