Casino and tricks

no secret that gambling runs a large number of psychologists. All these people for decades have created the concept of the ideal gaming space that attracts visitors. Design, lighting, way of communicating with visitors, the rules of the casino - it has long been thought out and implemented. There are no coincidences, everything is based on logic and psychology. Let's see what makes the casino to attract and retain the most visitors for a long time.

In the casino there hours you'll be surprised at how many people do not wear a watch. Naturally, the casino owners know this and use the lack of hours of their own interests. The fact is that inside the casino as if timelessness - within hours you will not find. It is clear that if a person is passionate about the game and watch over there, he simply forgets about time. It is also clear, and that passionate people will spend more money than a visitor who will be constantly looking at the clock hanging on the wall. There is day and night in the casino, there is always one and the same time of day.

The casino has no windows Another psychological ploy. If the windows were then visitors would monitor the change of day and night, and more or less have been aware of the time. And, as mentioned above, the casino is always one and the same time, always good and comfortable. Well then do not linger, laying out more money? And besides, casino owners do not wish to distract visitors from the game view. People passing by, looked through the window to the inside, and visitors would be diverted. Who needs it, right? Similarly, not a casino.

Yes, the casino atmosphere, the atmosphere of gambling attracts people. Specific sounds that attract a man, pleasant lighting, music. All this allows us to stay for a long time - because who wants to leave the cozy room casino? In addition, employees are always smiling, as if they did not get tired, and seating - very soft and comfortable. In the end, virtually created a homely atmosphere where you do not want to leave and want to return again and again. And it is clear that people are constantly spending time at the casino, will spend more money.
Source: www.fresher.ru/2010/05/11/xitrosti-kazino/