The square neighbor

new galaxy, astronomers Australian Open, was named LEDA 074886. It is located at a distance of about 70 million light-years from Earth. The galaxy is classified as a dwarf and companion NGC 1407. The discovery was made on 8-m telescope Subaru. The researchers emphasize that the shape of the galaxy is extremely unusual. At first, scientists assumed that the shape of LEDA 074886 is due to the interaction with the galaxy-neighbor. Analysis of the environment of the galaxy, however, revealed that the shape is likely due to the fact that the new galaxy - the result of a collision between two dwarf neighbor NGC 1407. 37,613,138
"It is noteworthy that if the co-orientation of our galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy at the time of the collision, which will occur after 3 billion years would be appropriate - we are (if at that time humanity will still exist), too, find ourselves in a rectangular galaxy" - leads edition of Universe Today the words of one of the authors of Alistair Graham. As a result of the merger of galaxies can form objects of the unusual form. Thus, in February 2012, the international team of astronomers has found traces of a small merger of two galaxies. Then scientists found near the galaxy NGC 4449 galaxy NGC 4449B. Since it is much less than the neighbor, then found the fusion attributed to the category of small. See also: A first potentially habitable planets. UFOlogists believe in the tenth planet of the solar system - Gloria. There is a new class of planets, "water world". In our galaxy there are 500 million planets, potentially suitable for life.
Source: www.lenta.ru/news/2012/03/20/ractangle/