Silent Disco

or Silent Disco Silent Disco (Silent disco) has become a generic term to describe a disco, where people dance to music on wireless headphones. Instead of using the speaker system, music broadcast through FM-transmitter for wireless receivers built into the headphones. Those who are not in the headphones can not hear the music, with an effect of a room full of people dancing in tishine.

Often it arranged a competition where two DJ compete for listeners. Silent disco is popular at music festivals, as she pozvolyaet disco dancers to continue after the "quiet hours." Such disco suit and "mobilnye clubs' meetings, where a group of people dancing to the music on their personal music pleerah.

"Mobile club" - a collection of groups of people in non-traditional locations with dancing to the music played through portable music devices such as MP3-player. These flash mobs can consist of hundreds of people, transforming public space into spontaneous dance clubs where dancers listen to their personal playlists. To the observer, it might seem that the participants dance for no apparent reason. Events Mobile clubs are usually organized through social networks such as Facebook. See also: Music gives the brain the same pleasure as sex. Music is able to change the structure of the brain. Why is not recommended while reading a book and listening to music? All of the interesting sounds.
Source: nibler.ru/sobytiya/6231-suschestvuyut-bezzvuchnye-diskoteki.html