April Fool's Day

Today, April 1, around the world celebrate April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day). Where you come from this holiday - from France, England, Mexico and Sweden - a mystery that unfortunately is covered with darkness. It is believed that originally celebrated on April 1 in many countries as a day of spring solstice. The festivities on the occasion of the spring solstice always accompanied with jokes, pranks and funny antics. Another, more common versions of the "Day of laughter" is associated with the transition to the Gregorian calendar Victorian. The fact that the New Year before the 16th century, Charles the Ninth reformed the calendar in France, celebrated not the 1st of January and the end of March. Because New Year's week began on March 25 and ended on April 1. See also: Englishwoman faints at the sound of laughter. In 1962, in Tanzania, more than 1,000 people affected by the epidemic of laughter. Most misfortunes of life.
Source: news.online.ua/287087/segodnya-vo-vsem-mire-prazdnuyut-den-smeha/