initially equal to the value of the coin was the amount of metal that is contained in them. And scammers are often cut off the money from the edges, collecting gold and silver. Overcome it was extremely difficult, because not everyone with a worn scales, and eyes to determine exactly was unreal.
Oddly enough this problem solution offered notorious Sir Isaac Newton, who turns out was also an employee of the British Royal Mint. He proposed to do at the edges of the coins thin incisions, because of which the ground off the edges become immediately noticeable. This procedure is carried out and to this day, although the need for it had long since disappeared. After all, much more profitable to counterfeit banknotes and easier. And the edge of a coin has since called the herd from the Old English - gyrdan (belting). In the second half of the XVI century, the French invented the device for applying labels to the herd. The first inscription appeared on the French gold crowns in 1577. See also: Why does the log does not sink? Why say "money does not smell"? Why the lies in the media called the duck? Why soap foam? Why Einstein showed language? Why do we hear in a seashell "sound of the sea"? Why is not recommended while reading a book and listening to music?
Source: billionnews.ru/other/1227-pochemu-monety-rebristye.html