Decaying planet
group of researchers from MIT and NASA have discovered an unusual planet at a distance of 1, 5 thousand. light-years from Earth. This planet, according to scientists, evaporates under the influence of radiation from the star. The fact that an object gradually disintegrates, shows a huge long tail, resembling the tail of a comet. According to the calculations of astronomers, this small exoplanet the size of Mercury evaporates completely for 100 million. Years. The object makes one revolution around its star called KIC 12557548 in just 15 hours. This means that the planet is very close to the star, the star heats the planet to nearly 2 thousand. Celsius. See also: In our galaxy there are 500 million planets, potentially suitable for life. It discovered the first potentially habitable planets. There is a new class of planets, "water world".
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/kosmos/raspadayuschayasya-planeta-6773/