Have Breathalyzer

most developed nations of Europe always tried in every way to support their drivers and reduce to a minimum the likelihood of an accident on the road. Since the French authorities made a serious step - make sure to keep all motorists in his car is not only a first aid kit, warning triangle and a fire extinguisher, but a range of Breathalyzer. For many, the worst offenders and drinkers behind the wheel of such requirements become really a shock, because will have to seriously reconsider their outlook on life. At the same time have the appropriate equipment to transport must have not only the French, but also the guests of the state. Such a law should come into force in July 2012. Since that time, the motorist will be obliged to always carry with them in the car a special set designed for self-examination on the fact the content of alcohol in the blood. In the absence of such devices can immediately prepare 11 euros, which will have to pay as a fine. But power comes quite loyal, and up to November 2012 for the lack of such sets will not impose a fine, and the perpetrators escaped with only a verbal warning and a promise to purchase an inspector device near vremya.

Also interesting is the fact that the set should be disposable breathalyzers in the amount of two pieces (preferably completely identical from one manufacturer). During the stop the driver will be required to show the inspector that one test he has passed (enough to show one of the devices with the measurement result). Another breathalyzer is also used for self-examination, but in the presence of inspectors, which will have to verify the driver's sobriety. To date, the rate of alcohol permitted in France, with which you can get behind the wheel, is not more than 0, 5 ppm. If during the inspection found that the level of alcohol will be in the range of 0, 5 to 0, 8 ppm, it will have to pay a serious fine of 135 euros. If the driver is found greater than 0, 8 per mille of alcohol in the blood, the amount of the fine is increased to 4,500 euros. Perhaps this is an innovation in the near future and will affect the people of our country.
Source: mirfactov.com/