New breathalyzer will determine the degree of intoxication in your voice
Seventy two million sixty thousand two hundred eighty five
Most motorists know to pass the test on alcohol is necessary to blow in the tube or a special breathalyzer. However, breathing is not the only sign that the man drank.
As the resource Engadget, scientists from Germany have developed a special instrument which can determine the degree of intoxication of a person by his voice. This was assembled by the special base of the votes of the people in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
The main purpose of the development of the breathalyzer was to prevent the possibility of drunk driving. The system may in the future be installed in cars to monitor drivers.
To determine the degree of intoxication, the car can ask the driver some questions and analyze the answers. If the system determines that the driver drank before getting behind the wheel, it might deny further handling of the vehicle.
At the moment, the technology still needs improvement, as the first tests showed that it shows the correct results only in 73% of cases. Therefore, prior to the introduction of the breathalyzer will take time, as you will agree, is very frustrating not to start the car, even if you are completely sober.
Source: hi-news.ru
Most motorists know to pass the test on alcohol is necessary to blow in the tube or a special breathalyzer. However, breathing is not the only sign that the man drank.
As the resource Engadget, scientists from Germany have developed a special instrument which can determine the degree of intoxication of a person by his voice. This was assembled by the special base of the votes of the people in a state of alcoholic intoxication.
The main purpose of the development of the breathalyzer was to prevent the possibility of drunk driving. The system may in the future be installed in cars to monitor drivers.
To determine the degree of intoxication, the car can ask the driver some questions and analyze the answers. If the system determines that the driver drank before getting behind the wheel, it might deny further handling of the vehicle.
At the moment, the technology still needs improvement, as the first tests showed that it shows the correct results only in 73% of cases. Therefore, prior to the introduction of the breathalyzer will take time, as you will agree, is very frustrating not to start the car, even if you are completely sober.
Source: hi-news.ru