
was a time when it was impossible to imagine an office without the organization of a typewriter, and the inspiration for writers caught shlёpayuschie sounds of the printing mechanism, sacrificing literary museums crumpled and torn sheets printed teksta.

Now, however, computer technology completely replaced the device of this type, offering users plenty of opportunities when working with text symbols.

However, all good things must come back and typewriter is no exception. After all, unlike the annoying computer applications distracting him a writing hand-held device allows the user to be alone with his thoughts and concentrate on the essence of their work. So, the designer Austin Yang has developed a mechanical printing accessory for the iPad called "iTypewriter". When you press, the device hits the screen plate lever to the symbol. However, at the moment "iTypewriter" is only a conceptual model.
Source: drunov.ru/news/pechatnaya_mashinka_dlya_plansheta/