Power cables

Little resident of Preston, who suffers from a rare syndrome Pica, daily upotreblet food dangerous electrical products. 5-year-old Briton, Joseph Hughes sits on an unusual diet for his age - any preschooler prefers delicacy electrical wiring and other potentially dangerous components of electrical appliances. According to the boy's mother 25-year-old Kate Jarvis, a few years ago she first witnessed the frightening passions of her child when she went into the children's room, her little son with appetite ate charging for your phone. - I just could not believe my eyes - says the mother of Joseph. - My child has eaten almost all the lead! I have always noticed that the baby likes to play with the technique, but I did not even know that it will turn back to us as effects. After the incident, the family of Joseph immediately asked the local doctors clinic. A few hours later, doctors said that the wire is not eaten threatens the health of the baby, but he found a rare zabolevanie.

- As it turned out, my child developed a syndrome Pica, -utverzhdaet Kate Jarvis. - Patients with this disease suffer appetite for inorganic objects. Doctors said that the boy's broken food behavior. Pica Syndrome is directly related to mental disorders. In an attempt to help the little son of Joseph's parents tried to remove from the house all the electrical appliances that might cause harm to the child, but completely insulate it from the art was almost impossible. Value for parents to escape for a few minutes, as a 5-year-old boy immediately starts to search for wires. - One day our son strong electric shock when he tried to eat another charge - confessed stepfather Luke Jarvis. - We have to watch him all the time, to intervene in time, the fate of our baby now we are very scared. Doctors also gave disappointing forecasts about the state of Joseph Hughes: according to experts, Pica syndrome can not be cured until the end. Cravings for non-food items can only suppress using medicines, the reception of which is possible only in adolescence.
Source: lifenews.ru/news/98707