Wooden keyboard

Anyone who often print text on the computer will tell you that the feeling of the keys should be enjoyable. Otherwise, after a while tactile sensations begin to tire and even annoying. so it is important to keys were comfortable, and the material - nice to oschup.

Orée company recently released a keyboard, which is made of wood. Therefore Orée Board not only looks unusual, but also allows your fingers to get the pleasure of working on klaviature.

Keyboard Orée Board is made of maple and walnut. The portion that is made of maple is more brown. This allows manufacturers to make better use of waste wood processing plants and to minimize them. This is another plus in favor of our Bluetooth-keyboard.

It is thanks to the connection Bluetooth, you will not have to fiddle with wires. And that's why, Orée Board works with most mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets and laptops. The buyer can purchase a keyboard in the US, UK, Canada Layout Mac or Windows.

Also, there are three kinds of fonts to choose from - with or without serifs. The cost of this beautiful gadget is about $ 164 online proizvoditelya.

Source: iblog.net.ua/2012/09/18/krasivaya-derevyannaya-klaviatura-oree-board/