The largest flower
The Swiss botanical garden in Basel blossomed world's largest flower - Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum), height of 2, 27 meters. Flower petals - dark red, and the cob - yellow. Despite the fact that from a plant odor of rotten meat, look at flowering gathered many posetiteleyyu.
For "flavor" Titan Arum called "corpse flower". Taky pungent smell and bright color should attract pollinators: padalnyh flies and beetles. Under natural conditions, the flower grows only in the jungles of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Also, it is diluted in botanical sadah.
Titan arum blooms once in 20-40 years and blooms only two days. Worldwide was recorded only 163 cases of flowering of this plant. Swiss "titanium" blossomed for the first time.
Source: www.ridus.ru/news/54737/