Neighbor whispered advice, because of which the beloved anthurium, the flower of “male happiness” disappeared
It is believed that the home flower "male happiness", or anthurium, causes positive emotions and fights the bad mood of the one who brings this flower to his home. Esotericists believe that anthurium reduces the level of negative energy in the house, and it also has a positive effect on married couples.
"Male happiness" blooms all year round. People believe that if there is such a flower at home, it will give health and male strength to men. It is very important to follow all the rules of care of the plant, so as not to ruin it. Today we will tell you in what conditions the anthurium pleases its owners for years.
Home flower "male happiness" First, it is important to choose the right pot for the plant. Anthurium likes to grow in tight pots. When a flower grows in too free space, it has to spend a lot of energy on the growth of roots. So choose narrow and even high pots. Then the anthurium will bloom and smell.
In order for the flower to bloom, it is necessary to change the soil in the pot every spring. So the substrate is filled with oxygen, necessary anthurium. Usually mix the soil with moss and peat, and on the sides of the pot there should be holes in order to get oxygen to the roots. In flower shops you can find special soil for anthurium.
The temperature and humidity of Anthurium is a tropical plant. It grows well at 20-28 degrees of heat. In winter, the temperature can be reduced to 20-15 degrees. A tropical flower needs moisture. It can be sprayed from a sprayer and wipe the leaves with a wet cloth without touching the inflorescences. The humidity for the anthurium should be 80%. To create tropical conditions, you can put a container of water next to the flower, if you use an air humidifier, then it will be the best friend for "male happiness."
Light should be scattered, it is impossible that direct sunlight falls on the anthurium. And in a dark room the flower will wither. In winter, you can store the plant in the bathroom, if there is a window. According to feng shui, the maximum energy radiates anthurium, if you put it in the eastern part of the house.
Watering and transplantation Anthurium should be watered 2 times a week in the warm season and once a week in winter. Do not allow either drying of the soil or excess moisture, as the roots can rot. While the plant is young, it must be transplanted every year at rest, it occurs from mid-October to early March. And it is better to transplant the pot in February or March. An adult plant can be transplanted less often, 1 time in 2-3 years. In order for the anthurium to bloom lushly, it is necessary to keep it in a cool place during rest. In time, cut off wilting inflorescences so that they do not take away energy from the plant.
Fertilizer in spring and summer should be fed “male happiness” 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Some make extraroot feeding 1 time in 2 weeks. A sign that the flower lacks trace elements will be yellowed leaves and dull coloring of flowers. For feeding use means: "Uniflore Bouton", "Kemira Lux", "Azalea".
Interestingly, the name “male happiness” appeared in the plant in Russia. In other countries, he has his own names. In France, it is called the “cock crest”, and in South America, in its historical homeland, the anthurium is called the “flower with a fiery tongue”.
"Male happiness" blooms all year round. People believe that if there is such a flower at home, it will give health and male strength to men. It is very important to follow all the rules of care of the plant, so as not to ruin it. Today we will tell you in what conditions the anthurium pleases its owners for years.

Home flower "male happiness" First, it is important to choose the right pot for the plant. Anthurium likes to grow in tight pots. When a flower grows in too free space, it has to spend a lot of energy on the growth of roots. So choose narrow and even high pots. Then the anthurium will bloom and smell.

In order for the flower to bloom, it is necessary to change the soil in the pot every spring. So the substrate is filled with oxygen, necessary anthurium. Usually mix the soil with moss and peat, and on the sides of the pot there should be holes in order to get oxygen to the roots. In flower shops you can find special soil for anthurium.

The temperature and humidity of Anthurium is a tropical plant. It grows well at 20-28 degrees of heat. In winter, the temperature can be reduced to 20-15 degrees. A tropical flower needs moisture. It can be sprayed from a sprayer and wipe the leaves with a wet cloth without touching the inflorescences. The humidity for the anthurium should be 80%. To create tropical conditions, you can put a container of water next to the flower, if you use an air humidifier, then it will be the best friend for "male happiness."

Light should be scattered, it is impossible that direct sunlight falls on the anthurium. And in a dark room the flower will wither. In winter, you can store the plant in the bathroom, if there is a window. According to feng shui, the maximum energy radiates anthurium, if you put it in the eastern part of the house.
Watering and transplantation Anthurium should be watered 2 times a week in the warm season and once a week in winter. Do not allow either drying of the soil or excess moisture, as the roots can rot. While the plant is young, it must be transplanted every year at rest, it occurs from mid-October to early March. And it is better to transplant the pot in February or March. An adult plant can be transplanted less often, 1 time in 2-3 years. In order for the anthurium to bloom lushly, it is necessary to keep it in a cool place during rest. In time, cut off wilting inflorescences so that they do not take away energy from the plant.

Fertilizer in spring and summer should be fed “male happiness” 1 time in 2-3 weeks. Some make extraroot feeding 1 time in 2 weeks. A sign that the flower lacks trace elements will be yellowed leaves and dull coloring of flowers. For feeding use means: "Uniflore Bouton", "Kemira Lux", "Azalea".

Interestingly, the name “male happiness” appeared in the plant in Russia. In other countries, he has his own names. In France, it is called the “cock crest”, and in South America, in its historical homeland, the anthurium is called the “flower with a fiery tongue”.
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