Anthurium: the Secrets of growing from experienced gardeners
It's gorgeous in flower shape and color of the leaves houseplant, has already won our hearts and sills.
Mostly growers grown house blooming Anthurium, although its decorative deciduous species with large, painted with fanciful ornament with leaves, is also extraordinarily beautiful.
Anthurium prefer filtered light, and well tolerate partial shade. From direct sunlight should be protected from direct sunlight. Perfect Windows with East and North-West orientation.
In the winter you need to highlight for flowering. The plants are fairly shade-tolerant, can grow on the North window, but blossom won't.
All members of the genus Anthurium need to evenly heat content throughout the year, without drafts.
In summer the optimum temperature in the range of 20-28°C, not below 18°C.
Only hybrids of Anthurium Scherzer for laying flower buds require winter for 6-8 weeks more cool mode (12-16°C), while reducing irrigation.
If you want the Anthurium bloom early in January the temperature gradually raised to 20-25°C.
Watering and humidity
Anthurium watered abundantly, but it is important that between watering, the substrate was dried at 1/3-1/2 the height of the pot, so before watering, check the moisture content of the substrate inside.
The most frequent error is the wetting of the substrate, in an extremely waterlogged substrate they quickly podgniet roots, which can lead to plant death.
Stagnation of water in the pan is invalid, it should be drained immediately after watering.
Anthurium love high humidity. Stems of plants are encouraged to collect sphagnum moss or other absorbent material, which should be regularly sprayed. This increases the humidity.
To maintain sufficient humidity of plants are best to put on the tray of wet gravel or expanded clay.
During flowering, spray carefully so no water gets on the flowers, they appear brown spots and loss of decoration.
Spring for decorative-deciduous plants 2 times in 2 weeks, on mineral fertilizers for flowering plants 1 every 2 weeks.
Feeding — only in the period of intensive growth, using a solution twice weaker than indicated in the instructions.
Transplanted plants in early growth or in the growth period from February to August.
When transplanting should be handled carefully with leaves and easily broken roots.
Plants are planted slightly deeper than they were growing before transplanting, in order to bury the young roots.
After planting the Anthurium is not watered for several days, but it provided content of transplanted Anthurium under the package.
Anthurium is better to not grow in ceramic pots and plastic.
The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so use a good drainage layer.
The pot should be wide.
Well-composed soil mix is the most important condition for the successful maintenance of the Anthurium!
For growing plants in pots use a very loose, rough and fibrous substrates.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/public47900340?w=wall-47900340_287738
Mostly growers grown house blooming Anthurium, although its decorative deciduous species with large, painted with fanciful ornament with leaves, is also extraordinarily beautiful.
Anthurium prefer filtered light, and well tolerate partial shade. From direct sunlight should be protected from direct sunlight. Perfect Windows with East and North-West orientation.
In the winter you need to highlight for flowering. The plants are fairly shade-tolerant, can grow on the North window, but blossom won't.
All members of the genus Anthurium need to evenly heat content throughout the year, without drafts.
In summer the optimum temperature in the range of 20-28°C, not below 18°C.
Only hybrids of Anthurium Scherzer for laying flower buds require winter for 6-8 weeks more cool mode (12-16°C), while reducing irrigation.
If you want the Anthurium bloom early in January the temperature gradually raised to 20-25°C.
Watering and humidity
Anthurium watered abundantly, but it is important that between watering, the substrate was dried at 1/3-1/2 the height of the pot, so before watering, check the moisture content of the substrate inside.
The most frequent error is the wetting of the substrate, in an extremely waterlogged substrate they quickly podgniet roots, which can lead to plant death.
Stagnation of water in the pan is invalid, it should be drained immediately after watering.
Anthurium love high humidity. Stems of plants are encouraged to collect sphagnum moss or other absorbent material, which should be regularly sprayed. This increases the humidity.
To maintain sufficient humidity of plants are best to put on the tray of wet gravel or expanded clay.
During flowering, spray carefully so no water gets on the flowers, they appear brown spots and loss of decoration.

Spring for decorative-deciduous plants 2 times in 2 weeks, on mineral fertilizers for flowering plants 1 every 2 weeks.
Feeding — only in the period of intensive growth, using a solution twice weaker than indicated in the instructions.
Transplanted plants in early growth or in the growth period from February to August.
When transplanting should be handled carefully with leaves and easily broken roots.
Plants are planted slightly deeper than they were growing before transplanting, in order to bury the young roots.
- Young plants are transplanted each year, gradually increasing the sizes of pots, 2-3 cm.
- Old specimens are transplanted every 3-4 years to be more fertile ground mixture.
After planting the Anthurium is not watered for several days, but it provided content of transplanted Anthurium under the package.
Anthurium is better to not grow in ceramic pots and plastic.
The plant does not tolerate stagnant water, so use a good drainage layer.
The pot should be wide.
Well-composed soil mix is the most important condition for the successful maintenance of the Anthurium!
For growing plants in pots use a very loose, rough and fibrous substrates.
- 1 part acid soil pH 5-6 (based on peat), 1 part pine bark 1-2 cm, a bit of charcoal 2-3 cm, sphagnum moss or coconut fiber. The permissible addition of dry pine needles.

- At too low air humidity and placed in a light place the leaves of the plant can coagulate in the tube.
- Over time, the anthuriums grow old, lose their decorative effect, the leaves are shrinking, the plant appears dry trunk with remnants of petioles. In this case it is useful to "rejuvenate Anthurium".
- Anthurium flowers are ideal for cutting and can stand in the water for 3-4 weeks and more, which makes them together with their decorative properties is simply indispensable in the preparation of compositions from flowers.
- In the winter you need to highlight for flowering. The plants are fairly shade-tolerant, can grow on the North window, but will not bloom!
- Drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations detrimental to the Anthurium.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/public47900340?w=wall-47900340_287738