The predecessors of the current Apple gadgets
Did you know that up to Jonathan Ive at Apple worked no less eminent designer? No? Well, it's not surprising to Hartmut Esslinger, an American of German descent in general very few people know. He created a design for such corporations as Apple, Louis Vuitton, Sony, SAP, Siemens, Lufthansa and other similar giants. At first he worked from 1982 to 1990, before he could come up with and design, together with colleagues and engineers a lot of amazing prototypes, looking at that, could not help think: "If at that time was such that it is now created in a laboratory?".
1. This «MacPhone», a hybrid phone, tablet and fax. At the time, it is also a computer named by.
2. Apple Snow White I «Tablet Mac». The prototype of the current tablets, except that he had a thick body and a compact stand-alone computer case and keyboard (note that it is very reminiscent of those of us monitored Rapoo). Also attached is an unusual kind stilus.
3. Apple Snow White I «Sony Style». Model PC-style Sony, which then set the tone in electronics. By the way, the keyboard with the "island" was invented in the keys by Sony, and not Apple, as many people think nedofanaty.
4. Apple Snow White II «Americana». The same layout, just here trying to move away from the infamous "Sony Style» .
5. The smallest at the time (1985) computer Apple, he also «Baby Mac». Along with him came and keyboard in the true "apple" stile.
6. The same. Stand a little surprised at the hotels so the installation angle of the monitor - very ordinary yavlenie.
7. The prototype of today's scenario "and an external monitor." However, here the "notebook" of its screen was not and had to cling to any "crutches» .
8. Typical Makintosh.
9. Option Right vaguely reminiscent of today's Acer monitors and Samsung.
10. That is the most notorious model of "Lisa". As can be seen from the photographs, candy bar can be placed upside down, and the display is regulated by the slope. By the way, here in the eye catches the idea of a separate numeric keypad on the keyboard. Who jumps the view that those enjoying the right hand mouse will be much more comfortable if the numeric keypad is positioned to the left - so the distance to move the hand from the keyboard to the mouse properly reduced. Unfortunately, manufacturers are not yet concerned with such obvious melochami.
11. Model of a laptop in the usual vide.
12. Perhaps the most unusual of the second prototype after the "telefonoplansheta." Monoblock with two flat screens (remember that while widely used CRT tube). At the time, the concept looked utterly strange, but today it is no surprise (except for parents, grandparents and simple village folks) computer that is connected to two or more monitora.
13. And here is the author of all creation.
Source: gagadget.com/other/2012-12-28-rannie-prototipyi-gadzhetov-apple-vzryivayuschie-mozg-i-voobrazhenie/