Life and death

Using a variety of materials, including trees, flowers, candles, sand and ice, the London-based artist Anna Gallachchio creates works of art dedicated to the ephemeral nature. In particular, its project "Red on Green" is an amazing "showcase" of 10,000 fresh roses, which are spread out in the gallery ... But all earthly beauty is ephemeral, and that was with red roses after some time - predictably ...

Gallachchio tore the roses head and laid them tight pryamougolnikom.

For a while we admire the beauty of red roses, and even in such kolichestve.

However, the artist is more interested in what happens next.

After all, roses live nedolgo.

Dying flowers - a visual gesture of passion, but the artist would not want this to become sentimental proektom.

She likes to work with its objects and the mysterious process of withering prirody.

Source: bigpicture.ru/?p=360065