Chimpanzees are interested in books

small celebration staged on January 25 chimpanzees in the park flora and fauna "Swarms creek." In honor of the student primates gave books and magazines. Monkeys do not read so much as looked at with great pleasure the picture.

- Anfisa intently examines images of people and animals, but the monkey Tikhon trying to build a paper something like origami, but it does not work "- say zoologists park flora and fauna" Swarms Creek ».

Tears and literally breaks the glass, so much like Hush communicate with people. After all, there is talk about anything! Now it can support any conversation about animals and even conduct business. But all this, of course, a joke. Just today, in the "Swarms creek" primates mark Student Day - read books. Though not to kontsa.

Anfisa friend Tisci, not wasting any. Bear in a magazine about animals ready to kiss. Apparently, something in common with him found. Even share cherished page with no one hochet.

According to the workers' Swarm stream "Hush with MAIL prefer watching color pictures than black and white. Very much they attract vnimanie.

Let's go to the book at the zoo is not accidental experiment. Noticed monkeys happy to consider wrappers from candy, like children. And suddenly the book will attract their attention? After all, kids also love to look at pictures, read, and thus quickly learn about the world and grow. Read primates, of course, do not learn, but a better understanding of people - staff and visitors to the zoo - very likely.
Source: goodnewsanimal.ru/news/v_krasnojarskom_zooparke_shimpanze_zainteresovalis_knizhkami/2013-01-26-2611