
For a man who has everything, this may be the best way to protect your most cherished possession. Safe called "Fortress" worth 128,000 dollars, created by the German company Döttling, may even boasts a built-in humidor for cigar storage compartment and that will start a clock that it hranyatsya.

Safe comes with a warranty of millions of dollars for its maintenance. Its outer sides are covered with calf leather that it fits into any living room. The company, to create a "fortress", argues that it has opened a new era of security. The manufacturer says that all functions can be configured individually for each customer, but refuses to announce how much it will stoit.

"The issue is limited, but the possibilities are endless - say representatives of the plant. - We have developed a safe of the highest class, which released a limited edition of ten pieces. " Among the features of the safe - clockwork for eight hours and hyumidor.

Each watch is stored inside, will be connected to individual crown and the owners with the help of specially developed software will be able to set the number of twists and even their napravlenie.

Inside the safe there is also a humidor made from the original Spanish cedar, with electronic humidification system and display, which demonstrates the owners of information on the conditions of their savings sigar.

Appearance safe and made from luxurious materials, because the designers of the manufacturer says: "All the values are preserved inside, require an appropriate appearance. Therefore, the body is decorated with safe best calf skin color which the customer can choose according to your taste. "
Source: mirfactov.com/