Retired in 106 years
Fred Butler Beverly, Massachusetts, 65 years lived in a marriage with his wife, raised five children, served in the Army during World War II, has long worked in the local "Vodokanal" . And he was always worried about the fact that he does not have a certificate of secondary school. Cherished document 106-year-old pensioner was handed during the ceremony, which was attended by school officials, representatives of the government and the mayor of Beverly Bill Scanlon. All event looked very touching, were taken into account all the nuances that accompany such events. "I am extremely grateful to everyone who has helped me realize my dream - said an old high school graduate in the mantle and quadrangular hat with a tassel - I really appreciate it."
Fred Butler had to leave school when he moved to the ninth grade. He was forced to go and get a job for the day at a shop to support his mother and five younger brothers and sisters, because the family was left without a breadwinner. The daughter of a pensioner Kathy Butler said he was very sorry that he had to leave school. "Of course, he was just forced to do it, otherwise his family would starve, there was nothing to wear and no money to pay for the house. He was 14 years old had to shoulder a huge responsibility for the whole family, which is beyond the power of even an adult. We are very proud of him. And I want to tell you that my father in law, despite the fact that I never graduated from high school, always emphasized the importance of education for their children and grandchildren, "- said the woman.
The old man even started a kind of reward system. His grandson Mike Calabro admitted that Grandpa Fred explained his desire to learn, handing the five dollars every time the boy brought to school "five" in a diary. It is worth noting that the long-awaited certificate of Fred Butler was largely due to his daughter Cathy. The woman began to actively engage in this after last year died of her mother in law, Ruth and Mr. Butler are very grieved about the death of his wife. The daughter said that she though so cheer him up and distract from the sad thoughts.
The only thing going through Fred Butler when he was awarded a diploma that has not passed the exams. "I do not deserve it. I never graduated from high school in fact "- worried senior citizen. But the mayor Scanlon reassured the old man: "You have been waiting for it and have done so much in my life that you can be sure - you deserve it."
Source: mirfactov.com/