Reusable adhesive

Japanese experts from the Institute of AIST developed a reusable adhesive based on organic substances whose properties can be changed by exposure to light without the use of heating and cooling. In the solid state, the material has a yellow color, however, if it is placed under ultraviolet light, it becomes liquid, and its color changes to orange. If the composition of the light the green light, he again zatverdeet.

The hardening time of adhesive depends on the number of incident light. The demonstration videos were used two glass plates between which was placed a layer of an adhesive thickness of about 10 microns. When using ultraviolet light source power of 80 mW and a wavelength of 365-385 nm of the material becomes liquid for 3 minutes. Under the influence of the composition of the green light froze in 1-2 minutes. At the moment the bonding strength of 50 N / cm, which is not much. Approximately the same figures have Scotch. Now the researchers are working on more solid structure.
Source: zhelezyaka.com/novosti/izobreteniya/mnogorazovyy-kley-7873/
Lightweight solid material in the world
Polar Bear communicate with children through the glass in the Ueno Zoo in Tokyo.