Old marathoner

February twenty fourth oldest marathon in the world, Indian Fauja Singh, the last time took part in the sporting event. In April this year, the famous athlete fulfilled a hundred and two goda.

Every year, held in Hong Kong «Standart Chartered Hong Kong Marathon». It is in this sporting event for the last time and took part Fauja Singh. He overcame ten-distance in 1 hour 33 minutes and 28 sekund.

The old athlete from India, but now lives in London. On account of his many world records in the age groups "90 and older" and "100 years of age or older» .

Among the athletes Fauja Singh is known as a "tornado in a turban." The old man did not take offense to such prozvische.

For the first time Fauja Singh participated in the marathon 12 years ago. He participated in the Olympic Torch Relay in Athens and Londone.

The Guinness Book is the oldest marathon runner unfortunately no unit tunes. Since he did not survive, no official documents confirming the date rozhdeniya.

While Fauja Singh will no longer participate in sports, to give up the daily pyatnadtsatikilometrovoy run it until sobiraetsya.

The man came into the world of sport after the death of his beloved wife and son. He is now more than anything else is afraid that after his boxing career people will forget about nёm.

In one of his interviews, the athlete said: "The old people like children. They always want attention and love ».

Source: mirfactov.com/