Beard repels women
Australian researchers published the results of his experiment that did not delight owners beard. It turned out that the dense vegetation on the face repels women. Scientists from the University of New South Wales photographed ten guys with different types of hair on his face clean-shaven, with light and medium bristles and lush beard.
The researchers then showed pictures of 500 volunteers of both sexes, asking them to evaluate the appearance, health and virility modeley.Kak women and men said that a thick beard gives a man more manly appearance, but the rest of the survey participants' opinions were divided. So, ladies named the most attractive the pictures, which was captured clean-shaven collections. Scientists believe that women fear bearded men because they consider them less romantic.
But man, on the contrary, welcomed the presence of a thick facial hair, saying that he commands respect. However, bearded gentlemen do not despair, because women have recognized that the lush vegetation on the chin - a sign of a man with a good parent potential. Perhaps these conclusions are related to the fact that the beard gives the representatives of a strong half of humanity is more mature and robust appearance.
This topic has been studied before, but with mixed success. According to the scientists, previous failures are explained in experiments using false beards, pririsoval colored pencils. Science gives us a few theories to explain why it is so important for men to have hair on his face. Versions start at protecting the delicate skin of the face, exposed to sunlight, to reduce the impact to the jaw during a brawl. The researchers also suggested that magnificent beard indicates a strong immunity. According to the theory put forward by the parasites carrying the dangerous infections, live in areas with the most dense vegetation, and if the man is not sick, it indicates good health.
Source: fedpost.ru/lydi/42184-uchenye-vyyasnili-chto-boroda-ottalkivaet-zhenshhin.html