Three years of the life of the Sun in three minutes
NASA released a new video, created on the basis of images of the sun, which had been received in the past three years, the space observatory SDO. In the short video, one minute is equal to one year. The device can transmit images every 12 seconds, however, it was used for the video image for two day obtained at a wavelength of 171 angstroms, which corresponds to the extreme ultraviolet region of the spectrum. At this wavelength, it is clearly seen as the sun rotates with a period of 25 days, as well as an increased solar activity in the past three years.
In the video, sometimes a little sun increases and decreases in size. This is due to a change in the distance between the unit of SDO and star. The rotation of the Sun passed very precisely, despite the fact that the SDO orbits the Earth at a speed of 11 thousand. Km / h, and the Earth revolves around the Sun at a speed of 108 thousand. Km / h. In the video you can see a few notable events over the last three years. Among them - two partial eclipse of the Sun, the largest outbreak of this solar cycle, Comet Lovejoy and the transit of Venus across the solar disk.
Source: mirfactov.com/