Found ancient ship

vessel made of coniferous trees, reaches a length of about 10 m. According to the researchers, it transported the bricks. Raising the ship until they are, because it is not in very good condition. The researchers plan to continue his studies in the spring of 2014.

Recently, researchers have also found at the bottom of the Volkhov Vislykh two lead seals that have been used in ancient Russia for binding documents, a half-meter cross XV - XVI centuries. limestone is close to the vessel, the shackles of the XVIII century., and 96 copper coins in 1700 and around the pot in which they may be stored. Study the bottom of the river Volkhov underwater archaeologists led since 2005. For seven years it has been discovered thousands of items of church plate, and life, various jewelry, coins.
Source: mirfactov.com/