In the German zoo born Young rare golden cat

in German zoo Allwetter Zoo were born Young rare species of wild cat - Asian gold koshki.

Two kittens were born through artificial insemination is successfully carried out. One is now in the care of my mother-cat, and the second to take in the zoo staff and feed artificially. So it will be a better chance that both cubs will survive.

Asian golden cat (temminka) very rare species threatened with extinction. Habitat: China (Tibet), India, Thailand, Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysian Peninsula, Burma, Vietnam, Laos.

Asian golden cat large African golden cat. Something similar to a gold cat cougar except color and its large size. The head is small. The feet long, with retractable claws, front shorter than the back.

When a cat rush, it moves with great leaps, pushing and jumping back on his front paws. At rest goes "hand in hand" as a house cat.

Nose and paw pads - pink. The ears are rounded. The fur is long and dense. Color: The main background body dark brown. Located near the eye white stripes. The bottom of the body and the tail end - are white. Size: varies greatly because of the range - 66-105 cm, the length of the tail - 35-56 cm. Weight: 12-16 kg.

Leads a secretive life. The population of about some 10 000 individuals. The local population hunts for his golden cat bones are used in traditional medicine. It is believed that the crushed bones treat fever in children. Gold cat meat is considered a delicacy. Often persecuted animals because of their attacks on livestock.
Adult temminka

Source: goodnewsanimal.ru/news/v_nemeckom_zooparke_rodilis_detenyshi_redkoj_zolotoj_koshki/2013-05-05-3223