Robotic Falcons
Dove is considered the bird world, people generally find pretty pigeons, this could certainly agree if the birds of the world is sometimes not "bomb" of people waste their life. Administration of the largest in Scotland Waverley Station Station agreed that the comfort of passengers it does not contribute, therefore, were purchased robotic falcons, scaring birds troublemakers.
On the implementation of the project was spent 9000 pounds, the administration of the station acquired several models of robots Robop. These machines are placed on special perches, turning his head, flaps its wings and from time to time publish screeching sounds very frightening pigeons. In addition to passengers, pigeons and even harm a new glass roof of the station, which consists of 24 thousand. Paneley.
Maintaining this roof in good condition, when the pigeons are constantly applied to her detriment, it would cost more nine thousand pounds. As falcon screeching, it is distributed in four versions, so the pigeons are beginning to think that is a serious matter. Falcon ordinary, he is peregrine falcon, lives on the same territory, pigeons and gulls, it is believed that they have a genetic memory of the cries of birds of prey.
Source: mirfactov.com/