Antarctica without ice. What is it?

If you ask any person to imagine Antarctica, most directly portray in the mind of a huge ice sheet. Antarctica is the largest ice cap in the world, but what is under him? Scientists from NASA have shown the surface of Antarctica, which is more than 30 million years hidden under a thick layer lda.

The project, called BedMap2, researchers estimated the total volume of ice in Antarctica to predict sea level rise in the future. To do this, they need to know the basic underlying topography, including broad valleys and hidden mountain ranges. The new map of Antarctica One of the most spectacular discoveries in Antarctica became the deepest point of all continents, the valley under the glacier Bird, which is at a distance of 2780 meters below sea level. Also, scientists obtained the first detailed pictures Gamburtsev Mountains, which are under the 1, 6-kilometer layer of ice. The new card is based on the level of lifting surface, ice thickness and topography of the base, which were made with ground-based, airborne and satellite imagery. Also, scientists have used radar, sound waves and electromagnetic tools to map.
Source: www.infoniac.ru/news/Kak-vyglyadit-Antarktida-bezo-l-da.html