Rail sections

it must be said that the railway - it is the safest form of transport accidents which can be counted on the fingers. But in the world there are several rail sites, passing which passengers prefer not to look out the window. Read more about them in our current collection.

«Kuranda Scenic Railway», Australia. One of the most breathtaking railway bridges. Paths are located on huge piles installed along the gorge. Dropping from the mountains waterfalls visible in the windows of cars and spray water very often fall on the glass. Equally breathtaking views you can not get any more on one rail of Australia. Many passengers find it much frightening place, and during the trip on the bridge prefer to read a book and look at the okno.

«Argo Gede Train Railroad», Indonesia. This part of the railway passes over the picturesque fields, which, if you do not get hung up on the fact that you are moving at a great height, can impress with its beauty. For more adrenalin you enough to recall that in 2002 at the site of the road went off the rails train. By a fluke of victims in the incident did not bylo.

«Cumbres Toltec Scenic Railroad», New Mexico, USA. This railway is more like a nightmare ride at an amusement park than a transport route for passengers. There will cross the rickety and old ways over the abyss, and a mountain canyon and dangerous ledges in the rocks. Engineer, construct these buildings, is clearly not suffering from fear vysoty.

«Tren a las Nubes», Argentina, Bridges. In this direction you are waiting for the railway zigzags, descents, and tunnels. The construction of this road was carried out over several decades, so it was difficult and time consuming construction. The road planned in the early twenties, was discovered only in the late sorokovyh.

«Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff», United Kingdom. One of the craziest travel by train, you can organize themselves on a cliff 500 feet in height, which also has a private construction. Small houses, green areas, walkways, and amidst all this splendor is carried by high-speed train, which rushes down somewhere on the little green koridoru.

White Pass & Yukon Route, Alaska, USA. This railway is an architectural monument and was built during the gold rush. On it goes well and a special train that will immerse passengers in a peculiar atmosphere of excitement miners nineteenth century. Every year, on the way passing about half a million tourists. The height of the buildings and a rather shabby appearance makes White Pass & Yukon Route pretty adrenaline progulkoy.

«Chennai-Rameswaram Route», Indiya.Eto railroad tracks passing over the Indian Ocean, will help you reach the island of Rameswaram. Way over the sea surface of about one and a half kilometers long can be particularly impressionable people to an insurmountable obstacle. This site looks pretty shabby way, and this is no accident: it was built about a hundred years ago, and since then almost remontirovalsya.

«Georgetown Loop Railroad», Colorado, SShA.Etot railway bridge is located on the site of a former silver mine, and go for it, mostly tourists. The bridge rests on rickety stilts at a height of about thirty meters and you can rest assured that you will get unforgettable impressions of the trip: at the peak of its ascent to the bridge, the train stalled a bit and slows down, resulting in the visitors uzhas.

«Aso Minami route», Yaponiya.Eta terrible road that is within the area of active volcanoes. The train moves over the abyss, which does not bode well. The bridge itself looks rusty and dilapidated. The eruption may begin at any time, and this is particularly excites tourists who understand that this bridge may be the last in their lives.

Source: relax.ru/post/73301/samye-strashnye-zheleznodorozhnye-uchastki-v-mire.html?feed=category&feedParam=61