Record the difference between rich and poor
gap between the richest one percent and all other residents of the United States peaked in the last century. The richest percent of the population was able to increase its revenues in 2012 by 20 percent, while the rest gained only 1 percent, according to a issledvoanii economists from the University of California, as well as Oxford and Paris School ekonomiki.
One percent of Americans received in 2012, 19, 3 per cent of all household income in 2012. Prior to this record figure was 1927 (on the eve of the Great Depression), when this statistical group earned 18, 7 percent. 10 percent of the wealthiest accounted for almost half of all income in the last year. Richest initially worst hit by the credit crisis of 2007-2009. Their earnings fell 36 percent, all other income during this period decreased by 11, 6 percent. However, a sharp rise in the value of shares and an increase in corporate profits in 2010-2012 allowed the rich to radically improve their well-being. They accounted for 95 percent of the total increase in income Americans.
Source: point.md/ru/novosti/v-mire/v-ssha-ustanovlen-rekord-raznici-mezhdu-bogatimi-i-bednimi