Sleep Disorder

Australian and British scientists dedicated to the study of sleep problems - namely heavy awakening in the morning. It appears to move away from a night's rest is difficult to 15% of people in the world. They get tired, with headaches and other physical symptoms. Experts have identified three main reasons that affect the healthy sleep: adolescence, shift work schedule and alkogol.

Teens extremely difficult to wake up to the beginning of classes in the school or college. Sleep disorders in young people provoked irregular hormonal. But if they are not corrected, disturbances in the normal night rest may persist for life. It is also often difficult to wake up in the morning the people working in shifts. The results showed that the internal regime of workers goes beyond the standard 24 hours. That is, people who work in different shifts, more time was needed to finally prosnutsya.

The third cause of sleep disorders - falling asleep under the influence of alcohol. Lying in bed drunk people in the morning, people do not get no rest, nor benefit from sleep. Alcohol causes snoring, difficulty breathing, and in this state it is simply impossible to sleep well.
Source: mirfactov.com/