The Galapagos Islands

In 1959, the Government of Ecuador 97% of the Galapagos Islands has decided to leave intact and created here in the form of a protected area of ​​the National Park of the Galapagos Islands. These unique places on the planet simply does not have.

The material collected images taken by a team of Google Street Viewer and other photographers. Daniel Orellana from the Charles Darwin Foundation removes Isabela Island using Street View Trekker.

Galapagos sea lions.

Aerial view of the island of Sombrero Chino.

Giant turtle crossing the road on the island of Santa Cruz.

Leon Dormido, near the island of San Cristobal.

Marine iguanas on the island of Santa Cruz.

Daniel Orellana in the restricted area of ​​Bahia Cartago on the island of Isabela.

Blue-footed boobies - decoration of the Galapagos Islands.

Sea lion in one of the bays on the island of Floreana.

Marine iguana on the beach of the island Rabida.

Diver and the whale shark.

Active volcano gray Azul, Isabela Island.

Marine iguanas basking in the coastal boulders island of Hispaniola.

Aerial view of the island Bainbridge.

Statue of Charles Darwin on the island of San Cristobal.

Shoals of fish off the coast of the island of Floreana.

A close relative of cormorants and pelicans - the frigate.

Daniel Orellana overcomes the thicket of ferns at the foot of the volcano Sierra Negra, Isabela Island.

Young sea lion meets a man in Baia Fe, the island of Santa Cruz.

Hammerhead off the coast of the island Wolf.

Iguana sunning in Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz island.

Mangrove thickets coastal eastern part of the island of Isabela.

Green sea turtle swimming in the waters of the island of San Cristobal.

Breeding center for turtles on the island of San Cristobal, essentially supports the endangered species.

Photo: Google Inc, Reuters, Getty Images, AFP


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