Hero of Russia (25 photos)
At the top of Mount Elbrus two helicopters crashed, the government decided to pull them out.
The task was almost impossible, because Appliances refused to work at such a height, and the experts were not.
It took Vladimir Horev, a test pilot enterprise "Rostvertol».
Was carried out a unique operation, during which it was established just seven world records!
Details under the cut.
... A military helicopter Mi-8 fell on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus July 27, 2010 as a result of the so-called air hooliganism. The pilots decided to work out how to plant rotary-wing aircraft in the mountains at the maximum altitude without getting to this command authorization, without proper preparation. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the car and left lying on its side, with the tail boom broken off, at an altitude of 4820 meters above sea level.
It so happened that the helicopter was lying not far from the tourist trails on which to climb Elbrus foreign climbers. Germans, French, Austrians gladly photographed against a background of falling car with red stars on board. The question immediately acquired political overtones. The decision to evacuate the helicopter was taken at the level of the government, which was clothed in the form of orders Air Force Commander.
In our Air Force pilots are fine. But pull on the external sling load juggernaut with nearly five thousand mark (it is close to the limit of height for helicopters) for them too complicated. Therefore, the military asked for help to the plant "Rostvertol". To carry out this operation have been charged with test pilot, retired colonel Vladimir Horev.
Like many pilots, the love of the sky at the Horev childhood. In Syzran Military Aviation School he enrolled during conscript army. Fly he studied at the "Mil" machines - "Baby" Mi-2 and Mi-8 universal. The "eight" Horev fell in love immediately. This helicopter is considered one of the most successful in the global aviation industry. Layout, capacity, flight characteristics make it a multi-purpose: it is a combat and transport vehicle that can operate reliably in high mountains and in the hot desert.
In his "eight" Horev flew in the Carpathian Military District, was twice sent to Afghanistan. They had landed troops, evacuate the wounded, fly at night on the "free hunt". Double Vladimir Horev pulled out from under the nose of "spirits" of our crews hit by a car. In memory of Afghanistan left the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Star, two, and even friendship with the rescued pilots: they call up every year in the memorable dates.
That's why heart ached with pity when he saw Horev lying helplessly on the side of the Mi-8 like a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest. How it is possible to save, how to get from such a height?
First overflew the accident site Horev performed by helicopter Mi-26 (referred to as "cow" for large capacity womb) in late August 2010. But a huge machine (the world record for carrying capacity) and could not hang over the helicopter was in the bed, although the engine is running at maximum takeoff. Screws simply clung to the thin air, the machine goes down, sometimes critically approaching with rocks.
Then it was decided to have surgery in the cold season. In August, the temperature at the top of Elbrus was at zero. And in sub-zero values of the thrust-rotorcraft increases significantly.
Horev We had flight experience in the mountains of Pakistan, where he delivered the "humanitarian aid" after a major earthquake. Or, in China in mountainous terrain helicopter Horev endured on the external load heavy construction equipment to rescue 86-year-miners of crumbling mine. But on Elbrus it was a different height. And Horev understood: under such conditions, the slightest miscalculation in piloting, or an accident, such as a gust of wind, or getting into a zone of warmer air will lead to the fact that 33-tonne Mi-26 crash on the rocks.
Therefore, the operation was extended in March 2011, when the temperature was 15-20 degrees below zero.
At an altitude of 2500 meters has been broken ground "Basic", which was delivered by air tanker. First, with a minimum of "gorjuchki" in tanks, Horev circled the scene of an accident, an example to the terrain and air flows. Then the car was filled with the calculated amount of fuel - to determine the maximum weight that at this altitude you can take on the external sling. As consumption gorjuchki Mi-26 behaved more and more confident, and empirically it was determined that it can raise under these conditions two and a half tons of cargo. Fallen Mi-8 weighed seven tons. Hence, it was necessary to disassemble it, and export of parts.
Elbrus arrived a landing military experts from Budennovsk. They had to disassemble the helicopter. For them, the Elbrus were transported container with tools and two-ton box-kung, where you can warm up and spend the night. The operation was postponed again - until the autumn.
And in June on Elbrus at an altitude of 3500 meters, crashed just two helicopters. First, because of an error in piloting, fell a small P-44 "Robinson", which went for wealthy tourists. Following this, almost side by side, because of the difficult weather conditions, fell Ka-27 South exploratory rescue center, which flew to the rescue. Fortunately no one was killed, people were evacuated. Very quickly search service pulled from the mountain road "Robinson" (he weighed not much). Heavier Ka-27 remained lying on the mountain. Rescuers appealed to the command of the 4th Air Army "at the same time" to pull out of their car, since evacuation team is working on Elbrus. And this "good" was given ...
Learn to fly helicopters, step by step. The technological cycle of the new helicopter goes first in each shop, where no "hot" start carefully checked the installed equipment. Then on the flight test station for a long time and meticulously checked operation of the engine is carried out adjustment of all systems. Finally comes the great day: a new car off the ground. The first flight, usually a ten-hovering in the air at low altitude. From test pilot required a lot of patience, focus, shutter speed, not to miss the slightest deviation in behavior are not yet fledged bird.
Surely the same concentration needed to Vladimir Horev in the final on 27 October, when he was evacuated Mi-8, lying almost at the top of Mount Elbrus. In one crew worked with him: the co-pilot from Torzhok Dmitry Zipir, Rostov "voenvedovskie" helicopter - Dmitry Kononov navigator, flight engineer Denis Koshurnikov, flight operators Vitaly Morgunovsky.
Heavy machine inching approached the side of the mountain, touching stones left wheel chassis. He parachuted to the ground team of installers. The second approach, podtsepka cargo. Engines entered the maximum take-off mode, and the Mi-26 hung like attached to the place. Meter weight on the outside of the suspension showed the importance - three thousand kilograms, instead of the expected settlement of two thousand.
The threat of an accident. The Mi-26 was able to raise the fuselage of "eight" is just a meter from the ground, while it was necessary to climb and move cargo through the ridge of rocks and a 15-meter cliff.
Immediately after analyzing the situation, Horev decides on the development of fuel at the lowest possible hover to 1100 kilograms. After that, the load was to drag on the glacial trough through a narrow gap in the rocks. The task was complicated by the fact that hanging on the outside of the fuselage suspension beginning to spin a strong flow of air, which formed from the rotor.
Cargo swung on ropes and flying next to cliffs. It seemed that trouble can not be avoided. Horev tried to fend off this swinging, moving the control stick. Lack of oxygen, a lack of engine power were compounded by the complexity of the visual orientation: the horizon was distorted by the slope of Mount Elbrus.
When the residue fuel 1150 kg machine control improved slightly. Horev decided to take off. When the fuselage of "eight" smoothly passed through the stone gate, the crew of the 26th relieved. The car came to the slope of the glacier and rushed down, increasing speed. Ball screw gets extra traction and finally the Mi-26 switched to the normal flight mode.
The main and heaviest cargo was gently laid on the ground. In the last drops of fuel Mi-26 landed at the site "Base».
The rest of it was a matter of technique. Last dragged the tail boom, which is thoroughly frozen into the ice, but it managed to wrest Horev. Having laid the load on the slope, he shifted pilot helicopter just above the ground to pick up the group. When Major Yershov Perov captain jumped into the belly of the Mi-26 helicopter lifted the load into the air, taking the latest evacuees of the "eight". On this flight on the world's most mountainous area for the heaviest in the world Mi-26 ended.
The next day, 28 October, Rostov pulled Ka-27, which was lying on the scree at the base of the glacier at an altitude of 3500 meters. Machine weighs seven tons, but from this height, estimated crew commander, Ka-27 can be pulled out without dismantling assemblies. Enveloped in snow dust, Mi-26 took on the suspension of the fallen brother, gently lifted it over the stone ridge and headed for the area "Base».
The task was accomplished. During evacuation operations on Elbrus crew VV Horev was set seven world records related to the heavy helicopter piloting and delivery of goods to the heights of 4820 and 3500 meters. Currently Vladimir Horev promoted to the rank of the Hero of Russia, and the other participants of this operation - to the state awards.
October 28, 1999 in Vladivostok visited the then Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin, he was shown the possibility of "Black Shark" (helicopter piloted Horev, who worked at that time in Arsenyev aviation enterprise). "As it should be, before visiting us guys looked bodyguard premiere. They checked the helicopter, and when they learned that the "Black Shark" is only one place for the pilot, sighed with relief: Thank God, and the chief began to ask again to the cockpit, fly - says Vladimir Horev.
When were performed demonstration flights, Vladimir Putin shook hands and gave Horev commemorative watches. Good gold watches "Russia". On the back the inscription: "From the Government of the Russian Federation." "Putin's" clock got Horev October 28, the birthday of the Army Aviation Russia. And another fell on the date of this day: October 28, 2011 Rostov pilots completed the rescue operation on Elbrus.
All thoughts of Vladimir Horev the sky - when he is at work. At home he is waiting for his family: a wife, two adult children and grandchildren. And he has a hobby: guitar. As a child, Vladimir graduated from music school, but was not the guitarist, and a pilot. But the guitar is still life left, and Vladimir takes it in hand when going to a bunch of friends. Most often, "singing the pilot" sings about the sky.
Source: rslovar.com
The task was almost impossible, because Appliances refused to work at such a height, and the experts were not.
It took Vladimir Horev, a test pilot enterprise "Rostvertol».
Was carried out a unique operation, during which it was established just seven world records!
Details under the cut.

... A military helicopter Mi-8 fell on the northern slope of Mount Elbrus July 27, 2010 as a result of the so-called air hooliganism. The pilots decided to work out how to plant rotary-wing aircraft in the mountains at the maximum altitude without getting to this command authorization, without proper preparation. Fortunately, there were no casualties, but the car and left lying on its side, with the tail boom broken off, at an altitude of 4820 meters above sea level.

It so happened that the helicopter was lying not far from the tourist trails on which to climb Elbrus foreign climbers. Germans, French, Austrians gladly photographed against a background of falling car with red stars on board. The question immediately acquired political overtones. The decision to evacuate the helicopter was taken at the level of the government, which was clothed in the form of orders Air Force Commander.

In our Air Force pilots are fine. But pull on the external sling load juggernaut with nearly five thousand mark (it is close to the limit of height for helicopters) for them too complicated. Therefore, the military asked for help to the plant "Rostvertol". To carry out this operation have been charged with test pilot, retired colonel Vladimir Horev.

Like many pilots, the love of the sky at the Horev childhood. In Syzran Military Aviation School he enrolled during conscript army. Fly he studied at the "Mil" machines - "Baby" Mi-2 and Mi-8 universal. The "eight" Horev fell in love immediately. This helicopter is considered one of the most successful in the global aviation industry. Layout, capacity, flight characteristics make it a multi-purpose: it is a combat and transport vehicle that can operate reliably in high mountains and in the hot desert.
In his "eight" Horev flew in the Carpathian Military District, was twice sent to Afghanistan. They had landed troops, evacuate the wounded, fly at night on the "free hunt". Double Vladimir Horev pulled out from under the nose of "spirits" of our crews hit by a car. In memory of Afghanistan left the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of the Red Star, two, and even friendship with the rescued pilots: they call up every year in the memorable dates.

That's why heart ached with pity when he saw Horev lying helplessly on the side of the Mi-8 like a baby bird that had fallen out of the nest. How it is possible to save, how to get from such a height?
First overflew the accident site Horev performed by helicopter Mi-26 (referred to as "cow" for large capacity womb) in late August 2010. But a huge machine (the world record for carrying capacity) and could not hang over the helicopter was in the bed, although the engine is running at maximum takeoff. Screws simply clung to the thin air, the machine goes down, sometimes critically approaching with rocks.

Then it was decided to have surgery in the cold season. In August, the temperature at the top of Elbrus was at zero. And in sub-zero values of the thrust-rotorcraft increases significantly.
Horev We had flight experience in the mountains of Pakistan, where he delivered the "humanitarian aid" after a major earthquake. Or, in China in mountainous terrain helicopter Horev endured on the external load heavy construction equipment to rescue 86-year-miners of crumbling mine. But on Elbrus it was a different height. And Horev understood: under such conditions, the slightest miscalculation in piloting, or an accident, such as a gust of wind, or getting into a zone of warmer air will lead to the fact that 33-tonne Mi-26 crash on the rocks.

Therefore, the operation was extended in March 2011, when the temperature was 15-20 degrees below zero.
At an altitude of 2500 meters has been broken ground "Basic", which was delivered by air tanker. First, with a minimum of "gorjuchki" in tanks, Horev circled the scene of an accident, an example to the terrain and air flows. Then the car was filled with the calculated amount of fuel - to determine the maximum weight that at this altitude you can take on the external sling. As consumption gorjuchki Mi-26 behaved more and more confident, and empirically it was determined that it can raise under these conditions two and a half tons of cargo. Fallen Mi-8 weighed seven tons. Hence, it was necessary to disassemble it, and export of parts.

Elbrus arrived a landing military experts from Budennovsk. They had to disassemble the helicopter. For them, the Elbrus were transported container with tools and two-ton box-kung, where you can warm up and spend the night. The operation was postponed again - until the autumn.

And in June on Elbrus at an altitude of 3500 meters, crashed just two helicopters. First, because of an error in piloting, fell a small P-44 "Robinson", which went for wealthy tourists. Following this, almost side by side, because of the difficult weather conditions, fell Ka-27 South exploratory rescue center, which flew to the rescue. Fortunately no one was killed, people were evacuated. Very quickly search service pulled from the mountain road "Robinson" (he weighed not much). Heavier Ka-27 remained lying on the mountain. Rescuers appealed to the command of the 4th Air Army "at the same time" to pull out of their car, since evacuation team is working on Elbrus. And this "good" was given ...

Learn to fly helicopters, step by step. The technological cycle of the new helicopter goes first in each shop, where no "hot" start carefully checked the installed equipment. Then on the flight test station for a long time and meticulously checked operation of the engine is carried out adjustment of all systems. Finally comes the great day: a new car off the ground. The first flight, usually a ten-hovering in the air at low altitude. From test pilot required a lot of patience, focus, shutter speed, not to miss the slightest deviation in behavior are not yet fledged bird.
Surely the same concentration needed to Vladimir Horev in the final on 27 October, when he was evacuated Mi-8, lying almost at the top of Mount Elbrus. In one crew worked with him: the co-pilot from Torzhok Dmitry Zipir, Rostov "voenvedovskie" helicopter - Dmitry Kononov navigator, flight engineer Denis Koshurnikov, flight operators Vitaly Morgunovsky.

Heavy machine inching approached the side of the mountain, touching stones left wheel chassis. He parachuted to the ground team of installers. The second approach, podtsepka cargo. Engines entered the maximum take-off mode, and the Mi-26 hung like attached to the place. Meter weight on the outside of the suspension showed the importance - three thousand kilograms, instead of the expected settlement of two thousand.
The threat of an accident. The Mi-26 was able to raise the fuselage of "eight" is just a meter from the ground, while it was necessary to climb and move cargo through the ridge of rocks and a 15-meter cliff.

Immediately after analyzing the situation, Horev decides on the development of fuel at the lowest possible hover to 1100 kilograms. After that, the load was to drag on the glacial trough through a narrow gap in the rocks. The task was complicated by the fact that hanging on the outside of the fuselage suspension beginning to spin a strong flow of air, which formed from the rotor.

Cargo swung on ropes and flying next to cliffs. It seemed that trouble can not be avoided. Horev tried to fend off this swinging, moving the control stick. Lack of oxygen, a lack of engine power were compounded by the complexity of the visual orientation: the horizon was distorted by the slope of Mount Elbrus.
When the residue fuel 1150 kg machine control improved slightly. Horev decided to take off. When the fuselage of "eight" smoothly passed through the stone gate, the crew of the 26th relieved. The car came to the slope of the glacier and rushed down, increasing speed. Ball screw gets extra traction and finally the Mi-26 switched to the normal flight mode.

The main and heaviest cargo was gently laid on the ground. In the last drops of fuel Mi-26 landed at the site "Base».
The rest of it was a matter of technique. Last dragged the tail boom, which is thoroughly frozen into the ice, but it managed to wrest Horev. Having laid the load on the slope, he shifted pilot helicopter just above the ground to pick up the group. When Major Yershov Perov captain jumped into the belly of the Mi-26 helicopter lifted the load into the air, taking the latest evacuees of the "eight". On this flight on the world's most mountainous area for the heaviest in the world Mi-26 ended.

The next day, 28 October, Rostov pulled Ka-27, which was lying on the scree at the base of the glacier at an altitude of 3500 meters. Machine weighs seven tons, but from this height, estimated crew commander, Ka-27 can be pulled out without dismantling assemblies. Enveloped in snow dust, Mi-26 took on the suspension of the fallen brother, gently lifted it over the stone ridge and headed for the area "Base».

The task was accomplished. During evacuation operations on Elbrus crew VV Horev was set seven world records related to the heavy helicopter piloting and delivery of goods to the heights of 4820 and 3500 meters. Currently Vladimir Horev promoted to the rank of the Hero of Russia, and the other participants of this operation - to the state awards.
October 28, 1999 in Vladivostok visited the then Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin, he was shown the possibility of "Black Shark" (helicopter piloted Horev, who worked at that time in Arsenyev aviation enterprise). "As it should be, before visiting us guys looked bodyguard premiere. They checked the helicopter, and when they learned that the "Black Shark" is only one place for the pilot, sighed with relief: Thank God, and the chief began to ask again to the cockpit, fly - says Vladimir Horev.

When were performed demonstration flights, Vladimir Putin shook hands and gave Horev commemorative watches. Good gold watches "Russia". On the back the inscription: "From the Government of the Russian Federation." "Putin's" clock got Horev October 28, the birthday of the Army Aviation Russia. And another fell on the date of this day: October 28, 2011 Rostov pilots completed the rescue operation on Elbrus.
All thoughts of Vladimir Horev the sky - when he is at work. At home he is waiting for his family: a wife, two adult children and grandchildren. And he has a hobby: guitar. As a child, Vladimir graduated from music school, but was not the guitarist, and a pilot. But the guitar is still life left, and Vladimir takes it in hand when going to a bunch of friends. Most often, "singing the pilot" sings about the sky.

Source: rslovar.com