Moscow 50s from Hottabych
As you know, as a valuable historical source can be used not only old photographs and newsreels, and feature films. Of particular interest are colored Soviet films of the 1950s, when the use of color photography in the USSR was still relatively rare.
Take a look some interesting screenshots of the famous film "The Old Man Hottabych" filmed in 1956. There's a lot of interesting take old Moscow and Soviet life in general.
1. In the picture are widely used trick photography, not only for any "magical" scenes. Here at the street somehow drawn the entire background. Moscow Does this at all?
2. In the scene in front of the newly opened swimming hotel "Ukraine" is visible yet undeveloped Smolensk quay
3. Wonderful view from the roof of the hotel "Beijing". It seems, in this perspective, the city has not changed much since that time (constructed building of the Ministry of Maritime Transport on the Garden + Moscow City appeared on the horizon).
4. Flight over Moscow on the area of three stations to the Garden Ring. Unfortunately, the sharpness is bad, but I still see the old two-storey building, which no longer exists.
5. mladsheklassnikov colorful figure in the typical yard Malenkovskaya
6. Of course, the size of the room give elitism hosts, but the situation is quite authentic
7. Authentic school class of 1956
8. Very stylish lamp
9. Combined with a train shooting

Take a look some interesting screenshots of the famous film "The Old Man Hottabych" filmed in 1956. There's a lot of interesting take old Moscow and Soviet life in general.
1. In the picture are widely used trick photography, not only for any "magical" scenes. Here at the street somehow drawn the entire background. Moscow Does this at all?

2. In the scene in front of the newly opened swimming hotel "Ukraine" is visible yet undeveloped Smolensk quay

3. Wonderful view from the roof of the hotel "Beijing". It seems, in this perspective, the city has not changed much since that time (constructed building of the Ministry of Maritime Transport on the Garden + Moscow City appeared on the horizon).

4. Flight over Moscow on the area of three stations to the Garden Ring. Unfortunately, the sharpness is bad, but I still see the old two-storey building, which no longer exists.

5. mladsheklassnikov colorful figure in the typical yard Malenkovskaya

6. Of course, the size of the room give elitism hosts, but the situation is quite authentic

7. Authentic school class of 1956

8. Very stylish lamp

9. Combined with a train shooting