Import vinyl
In Soviet times there was a huge amount of records that have been proposed to the Soviet people. But they are not as interested in what you can buy in the store, and those that had to be brought into the country, passing through dangers and so on. Buy these records was not easy, and worked on this, speculators, as well as the real music lovers who wanted to share the music with everyone else.
The basic amount of goods that enter the markets, passed through the hands of just merchants. Those who prefer to engage in commercial activities, especially never traded among fans of this music, just as sellers are not particularly fond of music, more than what was required for the job. And often try to earn as much as possible, so that there were real and trompe l'oeil tricks that could well spoil the opportunity to buy an expensive and rare in the western Soviet record.
Participants in all markets, including the buyers just were combined complex relationships, which is something akin to the caste system. So buy something like that just was not possible - the majority of market participants are not allowed to him a man without the recommendations, and there was no spare.
No less interesting it was when working with speculators. They had their own slang for explaining the value of the goods, in which all prices are called less. 10 rubles became rubles, and 30 - or threefold treshka. That is, even if a person is asked how much this or that creature, the answer is generally pleased until it was time to pay. Connoisseurs of music knew about these words, so they bought already relying on such prices. Although it has always been unhappy with how much are loved by many such records.
Acquisition of the plate, if you are not considered a member of a caste, was a real lottery, not only in terms of cost. Often people buy what really was not necessary. Indeed, during the black market to check the plate right there and listen to that written on it was simply impossible.
Similarly, as it was impossible to return the illegally acquired. So it often happened that thirty or forty rubles, a lot of money at the time, bought the classical works, or simply humorous entries.
Source: bart.livejournal.com

The basic amount of goods that enter the markets, passed through the hands of just merchants. Those who prefer to engage in commercial activities, especially never traded among fans of this music, just as sellers are not particularly fond of music, more than what was required for the job. And often try to earn as much as possible, so that there were real and trompe l'oeil tricks that could well spoil the opportunity to buy an expensive and rare in the western Soviet record.

Participants in all markets, including the buyers just were combined complex relationships, which is something akin to the caste system. So buy something like that just was not possible - the majority of market participants are not allowed to him a man without the recommendations, and there was no spare.

No less interesting it was when working with speculators. They had their own slang for explaining the value of the goods, in which all prices are called less. 10 rubles became rubles, and 30 - or threefold treshka. That is, even if a person is asked how much this or that creature, the answer is generally pleased until it was time to pay. Connoisseurs of music knew about these words, so they bought already relying on such prices. Although it has always been unhappy with how much are loved by many such records.

Acquisition of the plate, if you are not considered a member of a caste, was a real lottery, not only in terms of cost. Often people buy what really was not necessary. Indeed, during the black market to check the plate right there and listen to that written on it was simply impossible.

Similarly, as it was impossible to return the illegally acquired. So it often happened that thirty or forty rubles, a lot of money at the time, bought the classical works, or simply humorous entries.

Source: bart.livejournal.com