Funny laws for motorists
It is always interesting to know how different legal standards in different countries. That one may seem complete nonsense, for others - the strictest injunction. Especially a lot of such discrepancies on the roads around the world. The most interesting - in our collection.
Here motorist is required before each trip check the technical condition of the car, namely the serviceability of headlights, brakes and steering. Plus, every time you need to look at planting machine - for the presence of children. Probably Danish urchins have chosen this place to play hide and seek.
In the misty "right-hand drive" London taxi drivers are allowed to defecate on the rear wheel of a car. But on one condition - only if it is the same wheel keeps his right hand. It is difficult to understand the logic of local legislators, but apparently it is shared by some Russian drivers.
Here, of course, in every state a crazy law. For example, in Montana can not enter if cars suddenly appeared sheep without specially planted next to "The Bodyguard." Lucky cow - the way is clear!
And this is the law of Kentucky is contradictory feelings. There, she is forbidden to travel on the highway in a bathing suit. On the one hand, it is understandable why, on the other - to be more of such violators of law and order.
South Korea
Here and there are no traffic jams, and dishonest police. That's all inspectors are required at the end of each working day to report to his superiors about how much and in what amounts today received bribes. And when all publicly and officially, then what is corruption?
Oddly enough, the Italians are very sensitive to public displays of affection. Thus, in a private vehicle is prohibited kissing, let alone anything more. Hard to believe that the Italians themselves to respect this ban.
Australian taxi drivers instructed to always keep in the car armful of hay. Otherwise, they may run into the penalty. So it has been since the days when people instead of cars transported the real horsepower.
Members of Parliament introduced a bill for mandatory equipment of all vehicles DVRs. One condition - he must not interfere with the driver's view. Fortunately, it is easy to perform - miniature recorders as AdvoCam-FD2 Mini, it is available and, despite its size, the video shoot decent quality. The same AdvoCam with glass optics provides Full HD-image at an angle of 120 degrees.
In Brazil, officially allowed to exceed the speed of traffic moving through the criminogenic areas of Rio de Janeiro. However, relief is only possible at night, when the number of attacks on the slow-moving traffic increases several times.
There are not only allowed to drive after a glass of Burgundy, but also prohibited to park their flying saucers in the vineyards. Interestingly, after a glass of legislators come to mind such a ban?
One conclusion: sitting behind the wheel in a foreign country, it is necessary first to examine local laws. Otherwise, you can pay not only the purse, but even their lives.


Here motorist is required before each trip check the technical condition of the car, namely the serviceability of headlights, brakes and steering. Plus, every time you need to look at planting machine - for the presence of children. Probably Danish urchins have chosen this place to play hide and seek.

In the misty "right-hand drive" London taxi drivers are allowed to defecate on the rear wheel of a car. But on one condition - only if it is the same wheel keeps his right hand. It is difficult to understand the logic of local legislators, but apparently it is shared by some Russian drivers.

Here, of course, in every state a crazy law. For example, in Montana can not enter if cars suddenly appeared sheep without specially planted next to "The Bodyguard." Lucky cow - the way is clear!
And this is the law of Kentucky is contradictory feelings. There, she is forbidden to travel on the highway in a bathing suit. On the one hand, it is understandable why, on the other - to be more of such violators of law and order.
South Korea

Here and there are no traffic jams, and dishonest police. That's all inspectors are required at the end of each working day to report to his superiors about how much and in what amounts today received bribes. And when all publicly and officially, then what is corruption?

Oddly enough, the Italians are very sensitive to public displays of affection. Thus, in a private vehicle is prohibited kissing, let alone anything more. Hard to believe that the Italians themselves to respect this ban.

Australian taxi drivers instructed to always keep in the car armful of hay. Otherwise, they may run into the penalty. So it has been since the days when people instead of cars transported the real horsepower.

Members of Parliament introduced a bill for mandatory equipment of all vehicles DVRs. One condition - he must not interfere with the driver's view. Fortunately, it is easy to perform - miniature recorders as AdvoCam-FD2 Mini, it is available and, despite its size, the video shoot decent quality. The same AdvoCam with glass optics provides Full HD-image at an angle of 120 degrees.

In Brazil, officially allowed to exceed the speed of traffic moving through the criminogenic areas of Rio de Janeiro. However, relief is only possible at night, when the number of attacks on the slow-moving traffic increases several times.

There are not only allowed to drive after a glass of Burgundy, but also prohibited to park their flying saucers in the vineyards. Interestingly, after a glass of legislators come to mind such a ban?
One conclusion: sitting behind the wheel in a foreign country, it is necessary first to examine local laws. Otherwise, you can pay not only the purse, but even their lives.