Amazing facts about flags
Each of us, regardless of color, nation and is proud of its national flag of the country. Today, we provide you with a selection of interesting and little-known facts about the flag and tell you some funny stories about them.
Maples against the Beavers.
What is the flag of Canada, everyone knows from childhood - thanks to hockey and autumn walk in the park. However, few people noticed that the famous leaf on a white background is very different from the original. The real maple leaf - 27 sharp edges, and the flag - all 11 Maple has not always been the national symbol of Canada. The country, one might say, narrowly escaped a flag with a beaver. Of course, it's nice and useful animal, but refrain from ridicule could just lazy. The only common symbol for all Canadians in the XIX century. it was a beaver. But when, during a solemn meeting of the Prince of Wales went to Toronto asked what will be greeting happily waving children of immigrants born in Canada, from the idea to the beavers abandoned immediately. They were limited to the most common in those places plant - sugar maple.
Kindest flag.
The island, formerly bore the name of Ceylon, has perhaps the most "Buddhist" and a peace-loving state flag. The colors of almost all the national flags of the world mean roughly the same thing: courage, honor, valor, courage, military victories. Flag of Sri Lanka, to be exact, four leaf sacred Bodhi tree, on the other hand, symbolize love, compassion, equanimity and happiness. These guys clearly have something to learn.
The oldest flag in the world is Denmark. White cross on a red background first appeared in 1219. What is natural for that time, there were mystics. According to legend, the flag just appeared from heaven, and came down on the heads of Estonians fighting with the Danes, for whom he prayed during the Battle of the bishop. Danes won the battle, but the flag is still used and even gave it a name - Dannebrog.
Pirates of the submarine.
"Jolly Roger" - the famous pirate flag, which we so often see in movies and on pictures, first was red, not black. Red means that the pirates are ruthless in battle and kill indiscriminately. Even the name of the flag Jolly Roger, more likely, is of French origin - Joli Rouge, which means "beautiful red". But the skull and crossbones was the very first "Roger" experiments began later: in addition to black appeared and the crossed swords, and whole skeletons. Incidentally, not only the unscrupulous use filibusters "Jolly Roger." Even the noblest British officers do not disdain pirate symbolism, though, of course, a joke. Before World War I, when the fleet of Her Majesty has got the first submarine, one admiral said that the use of submarines in the naval battle - vile and in English, and the prisoners from foreign submarines do is hang up as pirates. In response to his words the commander of the submarine E9, who returned to port after a successful battle, raised the "Jolly Roger." Since then, and during World War II and other conflicts, and even in Iraq, the British submariners always raise a pirate flag in its anchor at the port after a successful operation.
The rulers of the seas.
In the era of globalization, everything is possible. For example, today in the seas and oceans mistress seas UK together with an unbeatable Spanish armada has long pushed ... no, not the United States and China, and, frankly, not very noticeable on the world stage of Liberia and Panama. Ships flying the flags of these countries today, all ports on all waterways in the vast majority. Of course, it is not economic and military power, and the notion of "flag of convenience". By purchasing the right to sail under the flags of those States, the shipowner receives significant bonuses. For example, fast registration, minimum wage sailors, favorable rates of port dues all over the world, because these countries have never participated in major wars.
Record patriotism.
Holder of the largest in the world recently became the national flag of Romania. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, carefully measured, documented record of villagers Klincheli 35 km from Bucharest. Employees of a local garment factory spent 70km yarn is worked on the cloth 349 by 227 meters. Of course, to hang this flag did not even try (its size, like 10 football fields), but simply spread out in a field near the village.
Flag of Cambodia is very convenient for tourists on it shows the main attraction of the country - the temple of Angkor Wat. Of course, this character in one form or another was present at the banners Rouge for a long time, not only in the current version of the 1993, so it's obviously not care about tourists. Although, if you dream, an interesting trend: you will immediately see a reason to decide on a major tourist destination in the country.
Eagle and tails.
Flag of Paraguay, the only one in the world has a different images on both sides. On the other side, which has traditionally been considered the front is yellow badge - the emblem of the country, and on the back - a lion, which is the emblem of the State Treasury. We hope Paraguayan children do not have to make difficult choices, drawing pictures about the holidays and heroes of the country.
Flag Observatory.
Animals, plants and weapons on the flags of many countries can boast. But scientific instrument - only Portugal. If you look between the two fields of red and green in the background of the emblem is not just a golden ball, and the armillary sphere. This device was used for navigation and astronomical observations, and the flag is present thanks to the outstanding success of the Portuguese explorers.
The Philippine flag is unique in that it strips can be interchanged. In a quiet, as the chemists say, the state is on top of the blue bar, but in the event of war raises a red top. Philippines - an island nation, so the flag, adopted in 1898, apparently helping to quickly inform the whole population about the dangers of
Flag without a country.
Perhaps only one national flag on all continents recognize his - gypsy. Despite the long history, its own flag Roma got only in 1971. He was accepted at the first World Congress of Roma in London. Many centuries of nomadic life are not erased from the memory of the Roma of their homeland - India. This explains the emergence of the Romani flag the sacred wheel ("chakras"), such as the Indian flag.
Flag of primitive people.
The traditional flag of the Italian province of Lombardy is different from many other provincial symbols of Western Europe. Instead of the classic elements like heraldry shields, swords and lions on it depicts one of the oldest symbols of humanity - kamunskaya rose. The earliest drawings of this form found in caves date back to Lombardy and the Bronze Age (1200 BC). By the way, this symbol is called a rose recently or as it was called the ancients themselves, nor that it represents, is not known
French overseas territory of St. Pierre and Miquelon has, as we thought, the most colorful and at the same time the most informative flag. On it, you can read the entire history of the small archipelago artless: first ship sailed from France (1536), then the first settlement founded by the natives of Brittany and Normandy (lower two flag on the left), and later they were joined by immigrants from the Basque country (top left flag ).
We are looking for a national idea.
A little known fact about the flag of Russia. It turns out that our tricolor, unlike the characters of other states, still has no official interpretation of its colors. There are only several unofficial versions. For example, white means peace, purity and perfection, blue - fidelity, constancy and faith, and red - the energy, power and blood shed for the motherland. Since old times preserved imperial More explanation: three colors speak of the unity of the Slavic peoples, while white corresponds to the Belarusians, blue - the Ukrainians, red - Russian.
Source: www.arrivo.ru

Maples against the Beavers.

What is the flag of Canada, everyone knows from childhood - thanks to hockey and autumn walk in the park. However, few people noticed that the famous leaf on a white background is very different from the original. The real maple leaf - 27 sharp edges, and the flag - all 11 Maple has not always been the national symbol of Canada. The country, one might say, narrowly escaped a flag with a beaver. Of course, it's nice and useful animal, but refrain from ridicule could just lazy. The only common symbol for all Canadians in the XIX century. it was a beaver. But when, during a solemn meeting of the Prince of Wales went to Toronto asked what will be greeting happily waving children of immigrants born in Canada, from the idea to the beavers abandoned immediately. They were limited to the most common in those places plant - sugar maple.
Kindest flag.

The island, formerly bore the name of Ceylon, has perhaps the most "Buddhist" and a peace-loving state flag. The colors of almost all the national flags of the world mean roughly the same thing: courage, honor, valor, courage, military victories. Flag of Sri Lanka, to be exact, four leaf sacred Bodhi tree, on the other hand, symbolize love, compassion, equanimity and happiness. These guys clearly have something to learn.

The oldest flag in the world is Denmark. White cross on a red background first appeared in 1219. What is natural for that time, there were mystics. According to legend, the flag just appeared from heaven, and came down on the heads of Estonians fighting with the Danes, for whom he prayed during the Battle of the bishop. Danes won the battle, but the flag is still used and even gave it a name - Dannebrog.
Pirates of the submarine.

"Jolly Roger" - the famous pirate flag, which we so often see in movies and on pictures, first was red, not black. Red means that the pirates are ruthless in battle and kill indiscriminately. Even the name of the flag Jolly Roger, more likely, is of French origin - Joli Rouge, which means "beautiful red". But the skull and crossbones was the very first "Roger" experiments began later: in addition to black appeared and the crossed swords, and whole skeletons. Incidentally, not only the unscrupulous use filibusters "Jolly Roger." Even the noblest British officers do not disdain pirate symbolism, though, of course, a joke. Before World War I, when the fleet of Her Majesty has got the first submarine, one admiral said that the use of submarines in the naval battle - vile and in English, and the prisoners from foreign submarines do is hang up as pirates. In response to his words the commander of the submarine E9, who returned to port after a successful battle, raised the "Jolly Roger." Since then, and during World War II and other conflicts, and even in Iraq, the British submariners always raise a pirate flag in its anchor at the port after a successful operation.
The rulers of the seas.

In the era of globalization, everything is possible. For example, today in the seas and oceans mistress seas UK together with an unbeatable Spanish armada has long pushed ... no, not the United States and China, and, frankly, not very noticeable on the world stage of Liberia and Panama. Ships flying the flags of these countries today, all ports on all waterways in the vast majority. Of course, it is not economic and military power, and the notion of "flag of convenience". By purchasing the right to sail under the flags of those States, the shipowner receives significant bonuses. For example, fast registration, minimum wage sailors, favorable rates of port dues all over the world, because these countries have never participated in major wars.
Record patriotism.

Holder of the largest in the world recently became the national flag of Romania. Representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, carefully measured, documented record of villagers Klincheli 35 km from Bucharest. Employees of a local garment factory spent 70km yarn is worked on the cloth 349 by 227 meters. Of course, to hang this flag did not even try (its size, like 10 football fields), but simply spread out in a field near the village.

Flag of Cambodia is very convenient for tourists on it shows the main attraction of the country - the temple of Angkor Wat. Of course, this character in one form or another was present at the banners Rouge for a long time, not only in the current version of the 1993, so it's obviously not care about tourists. Although, if you dream, an interesting trend: you will immediately see a reason to decide on a major tourist destination in the country.
Eagle and tails.

Flag of Paraguay, the only one in the world has a different images on both sides. On the other side, which has traditionally been considered the front is yellow badge - the emblem of the country, and on the back - a lion, which is the emblem of the State Treasury. We hope Paraguayan children do not have to make difficult choices, drawing pictures about the holidays and heroes of the country.
Flag Observatory.

Animals, plants and weapons on the flags of many countries can boast. But scientific instrument - only Portugal. If you look between the two fields of red and green in the background of the emblem is not just a golden ball, and the armillary sphere. This device was used for navigation and astronomical observations, and the flag is present thanks to the outstanding success of the Portuguese explorers.

The Philippine flag is unique in that it strips can be interchanged. In a quiet, as the chemists say, the state is on top of the blue bar, but in the event of war raises a red top. Philippines - an island nation, so the flag, adopted in 1898, apparently helping to quickly inform the whole population about the dangers of
Flag without a country.

Perhaps only one national flag on all continents recognize his - gypsy. Despite the long history, its own flag Roma got only in 1971. He was accepted at the first World Congress of Roma in London. Many centuries of nomadic life are not erased from the memory of the Roma of their homeland - India. This explains the emergence of the Romani flag the sacred wheel ("chakras"), such as the Indian flag.
Flag of primitive people.

The traditional flag of the Italian province of Lombardy is different from many other provincial symbols of Western Europe. Instead of the classic elements like heraldry shields, swords and lions on it depicts one of the oldest symbols of humanity - kamunskaya rose. The earliest drawings of this form found in caves date back to Lombardy and the Bronze Age (1200 BC). By the way, this symbol is called a rose recently or as it was called the ancients themselves, nor that it represents, is not known

French overseas territory of St. Pierre and Miquelon has, as we thought, the most colorful and at the same time the most informative flag. On it, you can read the entire history of the small archipelago artless: first ship sailed from France (1536), then the first settlement founded by the natives of Brittany and Normandy (lower two flag on the left), and later they were joined by immigrants from the Basque country (top left flag ).
We are looking for a national idea.

A little known fact about the flag of Russia. It turns out that our tricolor, unlike the characters of other states, still has no official interpretation of its colors. There are only several unofficial versions. For example, white means peace, purity and perfection, blue - fidelity, constancy and faith, and red - the energy, power and blood shed for the motherland. Since old times preserved imperial More explanation: three colors speak of the unity of the Slavic peoples, while white corresponds to the Belarusians, blue - the Ukrainians, red - Russian.
Source: www.arrivo.ru