Pass at an altitude of 4 km and convent
In Bhutan, where you do not see all the time on the eye across multi-colored flags. They stand on the mountain slopes and flutter in the wind, sending messages to the spirits. Especially a lot of them to pass Chelela at an altitude of 4 km. Breathe at this altitude is already hard, and every movement causes shortness of breath. We have thrown here by car, and then we went to hike to the convent ...
The length of the road to pass only 36 kilometers, but due to frequent rotations we went the distance and a half hours:
On the way up, at an altitude of 3, 5 kilometers, we ran into a herd of yaks. They are called bulls grunting as they do not moo, and grunt, showing discontent. By the way, in the hotel for breakfast we were preparing scrambled eggs with sausages from yak for lunch many yakburgery ordered. Very tasty:
View of the convent - the ultimate goal of our today's trip:
Half an hour later we were at the pass:
It was all dotted with clouds scratching flags:
In Bhutan, there are 2 types of flags: "Ritual" and "luck." Funeral white flags and vertical shafts:
Within 21 days after a person's death his family have to put 108 white flags with a prayer of 6 words:
Place for flags chooses family. Trying to put higher on the mountain slopes, from flags to a good view of the valley and, preferably, on the river. Flags can be placed by one group or split into several:
Another type of flags - colorful:
They hang after some joyful event: Built House - hang tags, married - hang tags, baby - hang flags, etc. Something similar to our tradition of "wash" the acquisition:
Total 5 colors, and each has its own meaning:
yellow - earth
red - fire
blue - sky
green - nature
White - air
Each person has a different color, depending on the year in which he was born (horoscope). Also written on the flags of prayer, which the wind carries good spirits:
From the pass we first climbed even higher:
At an altitude of 4 km air is thin. Breathe and move hard. Especially funny look here hermetically sealed chips:
During the 3 hours we stomped to the monastery on the mountain slope and through the thickets of the forest:
Giant rhododendron thickets:
At this height in some places already snow:
Sometimes playfully through the trees shone Monastery:
After 2 hours reached:
On the narrow ledge at the foot of the cliffs lives 40 nuns:
No electricity, and on the roof is a small solar panel:
Around the corner you can see the second highest mountain in Bhutan Jomolhari (7314 meters):
Descended down the other path:
In the evening we stopped in the town of Paro for souvenirs, and I accidentally found the process of bathing. Domestic hot water is not present, and the Bhutanese are washed in large wooden tubs. She pulled on the bank of the river and filled with water. Next to build a fire and throw into the water warmed stones. Surprised that the woman is not ashamed of their nakedness. Only seeing my telephoto, this beautiful breasts covered hand and slightly turned away:

The length of the road to pass only 36 kilometers, but due to frequent rotations we went the distance and a half hours:

On the way up, at an altitude of 3, 5 kilometers, we ran into a herd of yaks. They are called bulls grunting as they do not moo, and grunt, showing discontent. By the way, in the hotel for breakfast we were preparing scrambled eggs with sausages from yak for lunch many yakburgery ordered. Very tasty:

View of the convent - the ultimate goal of our today's trip:

Half an hour later we were at the pass:

It was all dotted with clouds scratching flags:

In Bhutan, there are 2 types of flags: "Ritual" and "luck." Funeral white flags and vertical shafts:

Within 21 days after a person's death his family have to put 108 white flags with a prayer of 6 words:

Place for flags chooses family. Trying to put higher on the mountain slopes, from flags to a good view of the valley and, preferably, on the river. Flags can be placed by one group or split into several:

Another type of flags - colorful:

They hang after some joyful event: Built House - hang tags, married - hang tags, baby - hang flags, etc. Something similar to our tradition of "wash" the acquisition:

Total 5 colors, and each has its own meaning:
yellow - earth
red - fire
blue - sky
green - nature
White - air
Each person has a different color, depending on the year in which he was born (horoscope). Also written on the flags of prayer, which the wind carries good spirits:

From the pass we first climbed even higher:

At an altitude of 4 km air is thin. Breathe and move hard. Especially funny look here hermetically sealed chips:

During the 3 hours we stomped to the monastery on the mountain slope and through the thickets of the forest:

Giant rhododendron thickets:

At this height in some places already snow:

Sometimes playfully through the trees shone Monastery:

After 2 hours reached:

On the narrow ledge at the foot of the cliffs lives 40 nuns:

No electricity, and on the roof is a small solar panel:

Around the corner you can see the second highest mountain in Bhutan Jomolhari (7314 meters):

Descended down the other path:

In the evening we stopped in the town of Paro for souvenirs, and I accidentally found the process of bathing. Domestic hot water is not present, and the Bhutanese are washed in large wooden tubs. She pulled on the bank of the river and filled with water. Next to build a fire and throw into the water warmed stones. Surprised that the woman is not ashamed of their nakedness. Only seeing my telephoto, this beautiful breasts covered hand and slightly turned away:
